
Tuesday 7 February 2012

Weight loss - 3 stone and a half since Christmas!

Okay this a little bit of ego stroking but I've lost three and a half stone since Christmas and I want to shout about it! Its not completely off topic because Big Finish has helped! Listening to the stories whilst I excercise has helped me shed those pounds!


  1. Congratulations—that's an amazing accomplishment, and you look great! :D How did you do it, if you don't mind me asking? I'm in the process of trying to lose at least two stone, but it's slow-going. I listen to Big Finish while I ride my bike, but you must know something I don't.

    Good job, again, brother. :D

  2. Thanks! I bought myself a Wii Fit and make sure i do at least two hours a day plus jogging and possibly the most fun you can have doing exercise...Zumba! Keep it up though, cause if I can do it anybody can!

  3. Wow! Congratulations. Great work! You're lookin' fine!

  4. Wow, that's fantastic! I listen to the audios either while surfing the net or at night in bed.

    I think it's time to bring out my Wii Fit and start using it. :)

  5. Many thanks for all the encouraging remarks guys - can you believe I've still got three stone to lose!
