
Monday 30 April 2012

88lbs down! Rock on!

The first picture was me last November and the second is me two days ago! 6 stone 2lbs down and counting! A small moment of self congratulation!


  1. As much as I love your reviews - this is my favourite post, well done you!

    I've only shifted two stone so far (started in January!) but listening to Big Finish has played a big part of regular exercise!!

    Hurrah to you!

  2. Many thanks! You are very kind! Big Finish also helped me out greatly as I worked out!

    Here's to our weight loss! :-)

  3. Fantastic stuff, well done. I've only just started my diet (the nightmare begins...) and your post has inspired me, thanks.

    Great reviews, by the way.

  4. Good luck Murphy...if I can do it, anyone can! :-) x
