
Monday 16 September 2013

Weight loss 7 and a half stone and holding...

Listen to Big Finish stories whilst you go for a run and you can go from this! Okay, there was a little more to it than that but those runs sure did most of the work!


  1. Hello handsome! :)
    I'm looking forward to your reviews of the big finish stories:

    - The Butcher of Brisbane
    - The Lady of Mercia
    - The Four Doctors
    - The Witch from the Well
    - Army of Death
    so, a bit more running! ;)

  2. Audrey the Leviathan Vampire Girl17 September 2013 at 03:05

    Well done! You look so much better for losing the weight. In the before picture you looked unwell.

  3. Hi Mr/Mrs anonymous, thanks and I'm planning on getting on those audios shortly.

    And thanks to you too Audrey - although I must have looked ill for many years!

  4. Looking good! Glad your running has been paying off in spades! :D

    I love your reviews, btw. Never commented before, so just wanted to let you know I read each one after I finish listening to the audio. :)

  5. Thank you, you are very kind. It's nice to know others are going on this journey with me.
