
Saturday 16 November 2013

Met my favourite writer yesterday

It was very nice to meet my favourite Big Finish/BBC Books writer yesterday. Jonathan Morris gave a really interesting talk at Worthing library and it was nice to hear how he came to work for the companies and why he has such a passion for Doctor Who. And look at the is official (and a well placed gag at the reviews...)


  1. I envy you, I'm green with envy!

    Jonathan Morris is arguably the best writer of all time, his novels and audios are pure gold. Am I not understanding why he has not written a new series episode or replace Moffat as the new showrunner?

    When you talked with him could tell you something about on its next audio drama set in season 19? Why listen to a well-written story with Adric in three dimensions is something I've been waiting a long, long time.

    As Craig Hinton, Gary Russell and Steve Lyons gave dignity to the grotesque caricature called "Melanie Bush". Jonathan Morris and John Dorney, have more than enough talent to perform the same miracle: Convert to Adric in the older brother must have been for a vulnerable and innocent Nyssa, he really feeling remorseful for almost killing her in Four to Doomsday and help her with the calculations in his experiments. His interaction with Tegan may be more tolerable and even funny, as the interaction between Dewey and Reese in "Malcolm in the Middle", he calling her "ridiculous ape" (If he reads the book of Charles Darwin) and her taking advantage of his ingenuity to manipulate him it to do what she commands.

    I trust Jonathan Morris Adric that transforms into a real character, more Luke Smith and less "spoiled brat". I wonder how it will be the plot of your next story with the original crew of the Fifth Doctor? Will much Timey Wimey? (I wish I do not, I'm still traumatized by Prisoners of Fate) Is it a comedy like Spaceballs? Or do will be a "magic adventure" like the novel The Sorcerer's Apprentice by Christopher Bulis?

    Anything can expect from this great writer!


  2. Awwwwwww! That is so awesome, I'm jealous! Jonathan Morris is a true writing talent and an amazing human being, and as you you have pointed out before he stands out from many other great Who writers (and, indeed, great writers in general) by not having burnt out after thirteen years writing for the series and its spin-offs - it took less than a year and a half for Steven Moffat to burn out as showrunner, and Russell T. Davies even less time, and yet in many years Morris churns out more and sometimes longer stories than either without ever slipping.

    "Festival of Death" was my first Doctor Who novel and while it does contain some of the "edgy" stuff that the novels were throwing in to show how grown-up they were, that is probably the only complaint I have about one of the best novels I have ever read. That is what an ordinary writer would produce at the top of their game rather than in their first novel. Oh, and "Touched By An Angel" was, shall we say, heavenly (not to mention better than the Angels' most recent TV appearance.)

    As far as his audios, I've heard "Theatre of Dreams", "Voyage to Venus", "The Beautiful People", "Phantoms of the Deep", "The Age of Revolution", and "The Spirit Trap", most of which I would list among my favorite audios of all time ("Theatre", "Voyage", and "Revolution" in particular are really unbeatable).

    And that message...just lovely.

    Bravo, Misters Morris and Ford! As Mr. Churchill would say, keep buggering on!
