
Sunday 8 November 2015

Sorry reviews have been scarce...but I'm getting married in three weeks!

Hi guys, I just wanted to apologise for the lack of reviews in the past couple of months. I've been trying to fit them in wherever I can (and of course have had to dribble on about the latest episodes as quickly as possible) but it's been crazy of late. I am currently taking steps into management training at work, I'm learning Spanish for a volunteer placement in an orphanage for a month in Colombia in January, I'm trying to hit the gym four times a week...and I've been planning my wedding, which is on the 28th November! And the celebrations leading up to that have been in full swing. Needless to say things will return to normal and I have an awful lot to write - especially Big Finish (and I'm eager to finish off all the classic Who's too). Thank you for being patient with me. Finally making an honest man of him after 15 years together.

Here is a snapshot of the pre-wedding celebrations...


  1. Congratulations! That's wonderful news. Wishing you a wonderful wedding day and a long and happy life together.
    Derek (long-time lurking reader)

  2. Congratulations!!
    I thought you were married already! (comments about your "husband" milead me hehe)
    I've been a follower of your blog for the past 3 years, I always go here when I've just rewatched or re listened a Who story (and also when I watched The SJA and Blake's Seven)

    I'm from Spain(and thanks to Big Finish I've improved my English level BIG TIME the last few years) so if you need a hand with this weird language of ours that uses gender for nouns, just ask me :)

    Best regards

  3. I'll have to call you unknown as that is your name on here...Simon and I are in a civil partnership but it is being converted into a marriage. Technically we could have just filled out a bit of paperwork...but who wants to do that when you can have a big bash with all the trimmings and bring together all the people that you love? It's going to be EPIC. Many thanks for your kind words.

  4. Mazel Tov. Thanks for the reviews and sharing your positive spirit

  5. Shut up! Congratulations! Be healthy, happy and respectful of each other. When you one of you is stuck or being a shit remember that you love the other and filter your words through that (and still keep it truthful). CONGRATULATIONS!

  6. Congrats!

    Any excuse for a bash is a good one!


  7. Awesome congratulations :) Been following this blog for a while now and never commented, so I'm glad my first comment is for such a special occasion :)

  8. !Felicidades!
    I'm really happyo for both of you. Take your time with the reviews
    (Really tempted to write everything in Spanish :P)

  9. Audrey the Leviathan Vampire Girl9 November 2015 at 11:40

    Congratulations! You make for such a lovely couple!

  10. Congratulations from a 1st-time commenter!I really enjoy reading your reviews, and it's just so wonderful that you're getting married!

  11. Thank you for all the lovely words guys, I really appreciate it :-)

  12. That's so exciting! Congratulations!!!

    All my Big Finish purchases are thanks to your reviews, thanks for ruining my bank account (but all quality purchases!)

  13. Sorry about your bank account, Josh ;-)

    But thanks for the kind words :-)

  14. Congrats! This is great. I wish I could marry my loved one as well but we can't do that in our country. Wish you all the best, I love your blog (though we disagree on many subjects :D) and I really appreciate your work, especially when it comes to BF reviews.

  15. Congratulations to both you and Simon and hope it's all you wanted, and not a Torchwood wedding :D.
