
Wednesday 30 December 2015

Ranking series seven in order...

1) The Day of the Doctor - The anniversary special that somehow lived up to the hype!

2) A Town Called Mercy - Sorely underrated, this looks great and sounds wonderful

3) The Snowmen - A Moffat penned fairytale that really works and doesn't oversell the family stuff

4) Hide - Almost toppled by an over goofy Doctor, this is smart and freaky

5) The Rings of Akhaten - You might think I'm crazy but I really like it

6) The Angels Take Manhattan - A little too clunky but with a touching ending

7) The Crimson Horror - Sweetly macarcbre...with a really terrible ending

8) The Name of the Doctor - Some moments of magic but a retarded script that asks far more than it answers

9) Dinosaurs on a Spaceship - Disposable fun, nice to see 11 show some teeth

10) Asylum of the Daleks - Stylishly put together but a hideous Rory/Amy plot tacked on

11) The Bells of St John - Recycling old ideas, Moffat fatigue starts to set in

12) Cold War - Clara is a non-entity in this wet but tedious thriller. Needs humour and character

13) Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS - How can something this promising turn out so...

14) Time of the Doctor - Possibly the worst regeneration for any Doctor, attempting lots, achieving very little

15) Nightmare in Silver - 'I hate you! Put me down!' Spare me the pain...


  1. Looking forward when you start reviewing again! (Husbands and Diary of River Song, BF War Doctor, the latest Sixie BF audios etc..)

    1. Because your blog of reviews is quite addictive you know, detailed and focusing on every main characters with a space of their own, highlighting the good and the bad and even having some spicy laughs with "the shallow bit". keep up your good work and don't keep us starved from reviews much longer :)

  2. This was for you - thank you for encouraging me to get back on the wheel

  3. Hi Matt,

    It's number 4!

    I'm just bad. I just added it now.


