
Saturday 2 January 2016

First Adventure in 2016!

Welcome to 2016! What an amazing year 2015 turned out to be...I leapt from a plane, visited some stunning countries, did some wonderful work in the local community and married my soul mate. It just got better and better. Despite slowing down with my posting of reviews in the latter half of the year thanks to important things that needed my attention, the blog has continued to be popular and I'm thrilled to say there will have been 3 million hits by the end of the month. That's an astonishing figure given I never expected anybody to find the site. 

2016 is starting in spectacular style as well. A long awaited adventure is just around the corner and I wanted to share it with you guys. On January 11th I will travelling from the UK to Colombia for a month. I have been doing volunteer work (on top of my paid job) for just over three years now and I have long wanted the chance to do something bigger much further away and on my own. I'm off to Medellin in South America to work in an orphanage (more of a foundation) for children who have been rescued from the streets. I have spent the last six months learning basic Spanish so I can teach the kids all about Britain (I have put together an engaging programme that covers history, culture, language, food, etc with lots of play involved). They have no exposure to other parts of the world so it is an invaluable chance to broaden their horizons. I will even have the opportunity to walk the streets and talk with kids who aren't so fortunate, feed them and find them shelter. I think it is going to be an incredible experience and I would love to be able to share some pictures with you guys when I get back. Thanks to my very generous friends I'm going to be delivering a late Christmas too...they have donated all kinds of toys, games and clothes for me to take in an extra case. 

I'm going to have some time while I'm out there to post some reviews so I will still be updating the blog. But I'm madly excited about this journey I'm about to embark on and wanted to share that excitement with you. 

Hasta Luego! 


  1. Do they sell churros in the UK? If not you should pick some up.

  2. Hahaha. Strange response. And they do sell them here - I love them!

  3. Congratulations!!
    I hope you have a great time and don't stop blogging :) either reviewing or just sharing your experiences

    Now you are a bit familiar with Spanish language... want to know how utterly RUBBISH the Dalek Spanish voices sound in dubbed Doctor Who that was transmitted here in Spain? (up to Series 7, from Series 8 onwards there's no DW, we have to fend for ourselves on the internet to watch it)

    I'm so used to Nick Brigg's voice that this:

    is just atrocious
