
Saturday 13 February 2016

Ranking the Troughton stories in order...

1) The War Games - Climaxing on one of the most thrilling, more epic stories ever

2) Power of the Daleks - Kick starting on a peerless note

3) The Mind Robber - Surreal, literate, funny, terrifying and constantly surprising

To be reviewed...

4) Evil of the Daleks - Implausible but one classic scene after another

To be reviewed...

5) The Invasion - Season six gets some stick but there are three absolute classics

6) The Enemy of the World - I loved this BEFORE it was discovered

7) Fury from the Deep - Genuinely disturbing and some excellent characterisation

To be reviewed...

8) The Web of Fear - Haunting and exciting, if overlong

9) Tomb of the Cybermen - Stylish and foreboding and occasionally quite ropey

10) The Ice Warriors - A fantastic character tale

To be reviewed...

11) The Macra Terror - Really different and it stands out because of it

12) The Seeds of Death - Brilliant entertainment, I love the score and Troughton excels

13) The Abominable Snowmen - Unusual and disquieting, there's nothing else quite like this

To be reviewed...

14) The Highlanders - Comical and dramatic but not a patch on the historicals of the past

To be reviewed...

15) The Underwater Menace - Rubbish, but strangely hypnotic and engaging

16) The Faceless Ones - Far too long but it feels fresh and contemporary

17) The Krotons - Mercifully short but compact and rather lovely for it

18) The Moonbase - Formulaic, but with a lot of style

19) The Wheel in Space - Pretty dull with only the regulars enlivening things

20) The Space Pirates - Occasionally fun but mostly flat and uninteresting

To be reviewed...

21) The Dominators - I find it hard to commend this, it's so dreadfully dull


  1. If only The power of the Daleks was found...

  2. Watched them all in order, only the existing episodes. Love Troughton. He is really pushing Pertwee for my 2nd favourite Doctor. We will see after I watch those stories.
    My Top 5.
    1. The Invasion
    2. The War Games
    3. Web of Fear
    4. Evil of the Daleks
    5. Tomb of the Cybermen
    I can't believe the same show gave us The Gunfighters. Season 5 was flawless, 6 highly underrated, 4 still finding its feet. War Games extremely sad. Watch them in order 2 episodes a night, they are all much more palatable and enjoyable. Happy 100 Patrick.
