
Wednesday 10 February 2016

Ranking the Williams era in order

1) City of Death - Simply one of the most sublime pieces of television ever

To be reviewed...

2) The Ribos Operation - Completely charming, characterful and exploding with great lines

3) Image of the Fendhal - Perhaps the ultimate expression of horror in Doctor Who

4) The Pirate Planet - Too many tasty ideas for one story, it's drowning in creativity

5) Horror of Fang Rock - Atmospheric, brooding and terrifying

To be reviewed...

6) The Stones of Blood - Few stories give me quite this much pleasure

7) The Sun Makers - Witty as hell, sadistic as torture and with an acidic message

8) The Androids of Tara - Summery in every sense of the term, a delight

To be reviewed...

9) The Nightmare of Eden - Sod the production, this is brimming with creativity

10) The Horns of Nimon - It might be a pantomime but it's a bloody good one

11) Shada - Incomplete but still full of riches

12) The Armageddon Factor - I'm terribly fond of this, it's overlong but packed with solid concepts

13) The Invasion of Time - More production problems but a very brave script

14) Creature from the Pit - Each time I watch this I enjoy it more

15) Destiny of the Daleks - Stylish but occasionally flat and silly

16) The Power of Kroll - The final episode is quite gripping but its a long slog to get there

17) The Invisible Enemy - Some embarrassments but like so much of this era it is so imaginative

18) Underworld - The only real dud of the era, this dreadfully boring


  1. When are you doing City of Death?

  2. City of Death on here. Watching all in order. The best story since Talons, 4th of all time behind Genesis, ahead of Robots of Death, just..
    So many great scenes and quotes. I have been saying 'but your face...' for years in a weird french accent.
    The first 2 episodes are amazing, then part 3 takes it up a level, the last part is perfect. Music, the best of all time. The BBC had a dream team and they didnt know it, the ratings dont lie, forget ITV strikes. The reviews were very weird at the time, what show were they watching. Baker is superb, Lalla is gorgeous. Duggan played perfectly, in fact all acting faultless. Glover is not too good for it, just brilliant. What a clever idea. Cracking cliffhangers, especially 2, a real shock twist, that he even knows his name. The final scene is.perfect. the postcard scene in part 1 perfect. Quality direction. Hayes didnt come back because..?
    I tell you what, lets get rid of Simpson next season too.
    Everything is perfect. A real text book story for clever, humourous, escapist adventure. Great model work, better than any CGI. Well done.

  3. Watched all in order.
    1. City of Death
    2. Horror of Fang Rock
    3. Image of the Fendahl
    4. Ribos Operation
    5. Sun Makers

    Worst 3
    1. Underworld
    2. Invisible Enemy
    3. Horns of Nimon
