
Wednesday 19 August 2020

The Nimon Be Praised - First Season Complete!

It's been a terrifically fun couple of months putting together our first season of The Nimon Be Praised! We've covered eras (RTD), companions (Ace, Donna, Romana, Sarah), individual stories (The Ribos Operation, The Chase, Planet of the Daleks), tackled controversial topics (the Chibnall era, Steven Moffat's impenetrable arcs, killing off people of colour), and laughed ourselves silly (mostly at our guilty pleasure stories - Time and the Rani and The Girl Who Died).

I've assembled the first ten episodes here for anybody who might want to take a listen. We've got our specially created logo and theme music (Dudley Simpson inspired!), you'll be treated to a dreadfully melodramatic Horns of Nimon quote at the beginning of each episode and plenty of irreverent and fun asides along the way. 

Any rates and reviews on Itunes or Google Podcasts much appreciated! 

The Nimon Be Praised! Discuss The Ribos Operation

In their debut episode, Jack and Joe tackle the opening story of series sixteen. Discussion of Robert Holmes, the season arc, the production, the double acts and shine much light on why they love this story.

The Nimon Be Praised! Discuss Underworld

Jack and Joe bring all their deductive powers to the fore and study the 1977 story Underworld to try find some positives to say! In this episode we are interrupted by the postman, discuss whether the enjoyment of special effects spoils or enhances our experience of watching Doctor Who, try and come to the conclusion of whether watching Underworld adds enjoyment to our week and figure who would play certain characters if this was a New Series episode today! You might think it is impossible to spend two hours talking about Underworld...but never underestimate The Nimon Be Praised! 

The Nimon Be Praised! Discuss Ace

This week Jack and Joe tackle the apparently unstoppable companion known as Ace. Was she the secret weapon of the Sylvester McCoy era on television? Did anyone like this actually exist in the eighties? Should she have been locked up as a modern day vandal? Just how many stories HAS she featured in? And do her books and audios count? All this and more fabulous Nimon quotes, Joe battling with his phone alarm and Jack using his finest charm to consider how he would get on on a date with Ace. The Nimon Be Praised! is back!

The Nimon Be Praised! Discuss Their Guilty Pleasures

It's time for Jack & Joe to confess their sins and reveal their Doctor Who guilty pleasures. Much laughter ensues as they attempt to convince one another that Time and the Rani, The Girl Who Died, Planet of the Daleks and The Husbands of River Song are all deliriously enjoyable. Which story is the campest? Does one feature a Doctor Who can make you believe in any scenario? Why is everything in a Jamie Mathieson story so rubbish? And would Husbands have been a good place for Steven Moffat to step off? All this and much, much more. We had a riot recording this episode...we hope you all enjoy it.
There are a few moments (just moments) where the time lagged but it shouldn't affect your enjoyment.

The Nimon Be Praised! Discuss The Russell T.Davies era Part 0.5

Join Jack & Joe as they take a waltz through the Russell T. Davies era. Well, that was the idea. Instead we only got halfway through season one AND singularly failed to remember The Long Game (which we will come back to). It’s an era with plenty to unpick and we will be come back to it in half season segments. Was Rose the ultimate audience identification character? Is The Unquiet Dead quite unmemorable in retrospect? And are the Slitheen the secret weapon of series one? All this is and much much more as we both learn that when talking about Doctor Who, we can’t do things by halves.

The Nimon Be Praised! Discuss The Chase

Join Jack & Joe as they brave the sunny plains of Aridius, discover the truth about the Marie Celeste, step into the collective fears of humanity and witness all out robot war on Mechanus. The Chase has come in for a lot of flack over the years and we build a surprisingly positive case for the story, whilst generously acknowledging its faults. Does this story feature the ultimate Doctor Who ball sac monster? Should Morton Dill have skipped into the TARDIS instead of Steven? And we might have a very solid idea why these particular Daleks are so thick. All this and we say goodbye to Ian and Barbara in another exciting instalment of The Nimon Be Praised!

The Nimon Be Praised! Discuss A Good Man Goes to War 

Nimon at War! Join Jack & Joe in their most combative episode yet, as they take opposing sides on the series six mid season finale A Good Man Goes to War. Is this a responsible criticism of the Doctor...or does Matt Smith simply not have the gravitas to pull off what is being asked of him? Are the characters written with a pleasant lightness of touch...or does nobody come across with any authenticity? And does the series deserve applause for attempting a season arc this structured...or is the whole piece fatally flawed? All this and discussion of the shows production, character assassination and potentially the sickest moment in all of Doctor Who. Hop on board as The Nimon Be Praised! tackle a Steven Moffat spectacular. 

The Nimon Be Praised! Discuss The Woman Who Fell to Earth

Join Jack & Joe as they broach the potentially controversial subject of the Chibnall/Whittaker era of the show. An episode we both enjoy, it gives us the chance to delve into the positives and the negatives of the era even if we have a very different opinion of the era as a whole. Was it finally time for a female Doctor? Is three companions too many? Was it time to return to simpler, character focussed Doctor Who? And was the shift from Capaldi to Whittaker the biggest tonal shift the show has ever taken? All this and much more as we take on one of the most divisive eras in modern Who...

The Nimon Be Praised! Discuss Their Favourite Companions (Joe Edition)

Join a slightly sleepy Jack and Joe as they discuss their top three companions across the entirety of classic and new Who. This week we focus on Joe’s favourites. Who is the ultimate career woman of the sixties? Which companion worked beautifully in five iterations? And which new series companion surprised us all with her great depth and wonderful humour? All this and more in this enthused episode that celebrates the Doctor’s friends.

The Nimon Be Praised! Discuss Their Favourite Companions (Jack Edition)

Join Jack & Joe as they take another waltz around the delightful task of discussing their favourite companions. This week Jack is in the spotlight with Martha Jones, Romana and Bill Potts receiving these accolades. Which was the best Romana? Was Martha the most resilient of all companions? And was Bill where Steven Moffat finally got his companions right? All this and more in another thrilling instalment of The Nimon Be Praised!

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