This story in a nutshell: Two episodes too short...
Open Honest Face: Davison seems a lot more confident in this story than he did earlier but that’s what three years in the role will do for you. He said that come his last season he felt he had a greater handle on the part and had he been blessed with these stories than some of the non entities in his second season that he might have stayed on for a fourth. There is something of the angry, slightly jaded hero about him, a man who left the Sea Base littered with corpses in the last story and who would go on to be bullied and pushed about for the rest of the season. Much like stories such as Black Orchid, Time-Flight and Terminus, throughout this story he is stuck with having to relay all the alarming exposition (via Jane Hampden to the audience) so rather than being able to enjoy the atmosphere of the story and its setting he is stuck explaining away every plot point to the secondary characters. The one saving grace is his chemistry with Will which is really sweet and shows you just how charismatic and engaging it could have been during the Davison era had they jettisoned Tegan and brought in somebody with a little charm.His chemistry with Jane is not a patch on the last time he had a Liver Bird in his wake.
Acidic Aussie: We're approaching the end of her time on the show (thank goodness because I've run out of negative terminology) and she is still bringing down the tone of every single story with her bad attitude and adding very little of actual worth to the narrative. Whether it was JNT or Eric Saward who kept her around because they thought she was popular I couldn't tell you but it is clear from her non-existence in the past two stories that she has long outlived her welcome. The first thing that comes out of her mouth is a complaint that they have landed in the wrong place (which is as predictable as me complaining about it). Bellyaching about her mistreatment. Hysterical about her Grandfather. Pissed off about her (hideous) handbag being stolen. Doesn’t like the carving in the church. Screams at the naff projection. Rants at Sir George. ‘Let me go!’ ‘I wouldn’t dream of putting you to so much trouble!’ ‘I’m not in the mood for playing silly games!’ ‘Thanks for nothing!’ Tegan is just vile. She finally smiles for the first time ten minutes before the end of the story. Frankly she’s only good for a May Queen burning these days.

Sparkling Dialogue: ‘You speak treason!’ ‘Fluently!’
‘The toast of Little Hodcombe…’
The Good Stuff: The ideas holding the story together are great and I can (almost) see why fans of this story are sold on them alone as they are so quintessentially, gorgeously Doctor Who. An isolated village, war games being enacted, an ominous crack in as church wall unleashing an ancient evil…it sounds like a marvellous story but unfortunately much of this is told through dissertation rather than action and all the relevant setting up pieces are missing. It feels like we are coming in at the end of a story having missed all the best bits. The derelict church set is really convincing and I love the little splash of colour in the stained glass window. A English village kissed by sunlight affords the story a few moments of sublime location filming. Will Chandler is charming, emotive and likable and feels like a an authentic person, he really shows up the current companions for the vacuous nobodies that they are. The idea of the Malus ‘having a war in him’ is really scary. I have to compliment the lighting, which is steeped in shadows and appropriately moody - not a compliment you can level at ever 80’s story.The soundtrack is memorable too, more a series of dramatic vignettes than whole pieces of music but snappy and attention grabbing ones nonetheless. Nice church explosion.

Result: The Awakening features a rushed plot that desperately needs another half an hour or two to sort out a lot of its problems. It would allow the plot to breathe, to set up the story rather than dumping us in the middle of it and leave some time for convincing character development (or simply some characterisation at all). The story pretty much sells itself on its location and the menace of its ideas but there is no substance or texture to the story to hold everything together. It’s a lot of running about, a few idle threats and a dozen psychic projections before everybody piles onto the TARDIS and the story is wrapped up in a bow of technobabble and screaming. This is probably the most frustrating Doctor Who story ever because I can see precisely how this could be worked into a truly phenomenal four parter. Some call it economic and pacy, I call it an empty exercise in time wasting: 4/10
In Tegan's defense (never thought I'd type that), after what's happened to the rest of her family, I don't blame her for being upset about her grandfather having gone missing.
Watching all in order. A welcome relief after Warriors, so short though. It just doesn't do itself justice. The Davison 2 parters do not stand up today I'm afraid, they should have been 3 or 4 parters, make Twin Dilemma a 2 part prequel to Attack of the Cybermen and make this 4 parts. The ideas were good, Denis Lill is brilliant, very good presence in every scene. The monster is scary. Good music. Will has definitely proved a popular character and had some depth at least. Best of the season so far but thats not hard. I like the 'how could he get so far' scene. The mini Malus is very scary. The sets are great, the last Barry Newbery story. Probably above Terminus but below the other 4 from s20 and below Castrovalva, a bit disappointing.
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