This story in a nutshell: How can you sum up Timelash in a nutshell? H.G Wells, invisible Time Lords, disfigured Walrus creatures, burnt out androids, sequels to adventures never seen before and Paul Darrow hamming it up outrageously.
Aristocratic Adventurer: It’s easy to mock the overdone characterisation of the sixth Doctor in this story but amongst the dreck there are still some (scant) gems to be found. Colin Baker is trying his best to find something in the melodramatic drivel he is given to say…although at times the material is so bad he just surrenders to it. His ‘bad…bad…BAD!’ confirms all your suspicions that he is a shrieking bully and he needs to tone it down a bit. I prefer it when he is quiet and contemplative such as his wistful reminiscence about the Andromeda galaxy. He says that it is so difficult to recruit good staff these days throwing a disdainful look at Peri and suggests that he has little mercy for time meddlers. He and Herbert share some fun chemistry, the scene where he discovers him in the TARDIS always makes me chuckle. I've said this in practically every episode of the season but the Doctor has fun chemistry with plenty of male one off guest stars this season and it is a shame that he never got to travel with a male companion of his own. I think that really would have worked and helped to soften him up a little. This Doctor is about as powerful as a burnt out android. Looks like the sixth Doctor has developed exactly the same sort of lame swearing as the ‘ham fisted bun vendor’ third Doctor and ‘spack off!’ fourth Doctor – his latest attempt is ‘microcephallic apostate’ (one day he will just say ‘you fucking twat'). That is one ugly drawing of Jon Pertwee. Strange how you forget how you used to look…that’s because you never used to look like that. Mind you, you can just imagine the dictatorial third Doctor lecturing Magellan on his unethical experiments, can’t you? I love the moment when Herbert tells the Doctor not to worry about him and he gives him a pained look and says ‘I’m not.’ You have to love this guys confidence, in the face of Tekker holding a gun in his face he dismisses him with ‘do shut up and go away.’ He is responsible for Tekker's death in a round about sort of way but he did warn him not to fire. Watch the Doctor’s amazing growing hair as he rushes into the TARDIS in episode two to stop the missile…it grows about three inches between scenes (you can really tell this padding was filmed later). I love him picking up the struggling Peri and throwing her out of the TARDIS. It is an example of the hysterical chemistry between them really working. Putting the TARDIS between the missile and Karfel is incredibly dangerous and reckless, but might save an entire planet. What you have in Timelash is an exhausted actor (torn between this and panto) trying to salvage something from a retarded script. The fact that he manages at all is something of a minor miracle but this is still the weakest story for the characterization of the sixth Doctor and even this isn't that bad. He's still memorable, at least.

Sparkling Dialogue: In general the dialogue is horrendous so it really surprises you when a gem comes along:
‘Time for another election…’
‘Maybe spirits from the other world might find fishing a little mundane.’
‘The waves of time wash us all clean…’
The Good Stuff: There’s an early sequence between Mekros and the Maylin in the darkened power distribution room, which might (almost) convince you that this story could amount to something (they are the best actors in the guest cast). The silky voiced Borad hidden behind his chair reveals that Doctor Who gets something very right no matter how bad the story. Paul Darrow is so insanely over the top that you can’t fail to adore him as Tekker ('It’s called treason and he is the traitor!’). I like the sudden cut to 1885, something the show didn't do enough back then (a sudden switch in location halfway through the story but is an expert at these days). Herbert is hopelessly wet and yet he’s rather sweet and certainly more likable than Peri in this story. His attempted exorcism of the Doctor provides a good laugh. I rather like a bumbling fool, it is the same sort of humour that made Xander so appealing in early Buffy. Tekker luring Mekron to the inner sanctum with promises of promotion only to blame him for all their problems is laugh out loud funny. Only Paul Darrow could play that quite as deliciously, revelling in his characters naughtiness. It's hopelessly lost in the execution but HG Wells finding inspiration in this adventure to write The Time Machine and The Invisible Man is an idea that really appeals. ‘The most luminous force in this part of the galaxy!’ – Tekker needed his own spin off series. The make up for the Borad is so good it’s shocking that a story this inept can get something so right.

Result: Surely it cannot be a co-incidence that the two worst directed eighties stories were helmed by the same man and without all the excuses of Warriors of the Deep (lack of time, an election in the wings, a monster that wasn't ready to go, etc) I can only conclude that Pennant Roberts is not a very good action adventure director. Timelash is more enjoyable than Warriors simply because it doesn't’t take itself at all seriously (whereas watching a sniffy piece of drama fall to pieces is tragic) and with its wealth of faults stacking up over the two episodes it becomes a frothy, useless b-movie slice of Doctor Who. It's rare for so many things to go wrong with a production; turgid direction, appalling performances, crass dialogue, dull music, cheap design, childish plotting and insulting sexism that you simply have to let it wash over you and bask in its ineptitude. Redeeming features are Herbert who is quite likable and Tekker who makes me howl with laughter every time he opens his mouth. Timelash doesn’t quite reach the enjoyment of other comically incompetent Doctor Who's (The Chase and Time and the Rani are my gems in that category) but it is far more enjoyable than it has any right to be given its slew of faults: 5/10
Whilst I share the common opinion that this story is crap I must say I really enjoyed Paul Darrow's performance in this. His hamming it up really livens the story up and his clear enjoyment of the role means that we end up having fun too. He even manages to nicely underplay his defiance of the Borad at the end and give Tekka a dignified final note in the process.
Also, you taking the p*ss out of this story was as hilarious as always! I want to see if I can spark the android dance trend now...
I think that aspects of Timelash are brilliant, and other aspects are brilliantly bad. Much of the serial, though, is just bad. But among the highlights are the Borad and Maylan Tekker as two wonderfully egotistical, grandiose foes at whom Colin Baker's Doctor can so dramatically vent his righteous moral indignation.
One my own personal favorite lines of dialogue is the one which actor Robert Ashby improvised to replace the original, pedestrian statement "You're lying!" Instead, we have the Borad's wonderful declaration “Another expedition into the realms of duplicity!"
If you can handle swallowing the odd little bits of sick in your mouth, Timelash is an entertaining way of occupying an hour or two. Think of it as Doctor Who meets Blue Peter, perhaps... It is one of the nadirs of 80s Who, and stinks to high heaven, but it isn't exactly dull.
I always find it hard to rate this story, because it's just chock full of things I adore and things I can't stand. I guess 5 is as good as any number.
I can tolerate this episode, mostly because Colin Baker actually tried hard in this, and a few endearing bits between him and Peri—beside, the 5th, and 4th, Doctor got some episodes even worse than this. But my lord I can't handle Herbert.. He's like Adam in Series 1, with less punchable face but somehow more annoying.
Watching all in order. Enjoyed this more than plenty of Davison stories. This does contribute to the hiatus and eventual cancellation however. When I read that Nathan-Turner put his panto ahead of rehearsals it really does show how he was taking the piss, thought he was in a job for life and should have been sacked. Other examples of this are his treatment of the abroad filming as a jolly, and Warriors of the Deep, hiring Roberts again just makes me angry. The android is actually not that bad and stands up quite well. The music is strangely memorable, I would say more than anything Jonathan Gibbs did. The Borad make-up is amazing, his voice is perfect. I love Paul Darrow in this. There is a lot to forgive, but this is nowhere near as bad as Davison's worst 3 stories, better than Twin Dilemma also. The padding in episode 2 is actually cringe but funny. Although having time to argue when a missile is nearing the planet? The scene in part 1 where the Doctor forgets to open the door and Peri reminds him is so well acted and timed, I laughed out loud. These 2 were a great pair. The best chemistry since s17, dare I say Baker and Sladen? This definitely goes into the embarrassing but funny bad category, plenty worse to come with the McCoy era. The Pertwee mural is pointless. Spotted Steven Mackintosh as a teenage actor in the early scenes. Vena laughs when told of her fathers death. It looks like it should be on stage. Some aspects of the storyline were decent, the dialogue is bad, thats when Saward should have intervened.
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