This story in the nutshell: It’s the genesis of the Cybermen…only in an alternative universe...

Chavvy Chick: Ouch. After her dribbling and tears in The Christmas Invasion, her gushing in new Earth and her jealousy in School Reunion Rose has been on a downward spiral of obnoxiousness and she finally seals the deal in this two parter by proving just how unbelievably selfish she can be. It’s such a shame how her character wound up because there were moments in the first season where she was on course for being one of the most enjoyable of companions. How irritatingly smug does she look in the first scene, taking the piss out of Mickey’s naiveté? As soon as they land its all me me me about her dad with no thought for Mickey until they have split up. I'm pleased she isn't my girlfriend. She sulks away, sticking out her bottom lip as she moans about not being part of Pete and Jackie’s life in this universe. Jealousy rears its ugly head again when the Doctor seeks information from a fellow worker called Lucy. Such was my disdain for the character as portrayed here that I was in fits of laughter when she was introduced to her namesake and looked mightily pissed off (even the Doctor cracks up). I loved the scene where she was chewed out by Jackie – all this sugary sweetness was poisoning my stomach and it was long past time somebody gave Rose a reality check. Did she really think that she could walk into Pete and Jackie's lives and become the daughter that they never had? At the end of the story both Pete and Mickey can't wait to get as far away from Rose as possible and who can blame them wanting to get away from the clutches of somebody who is quite this self centred? Rose blubs about losing Mickey (Amy was exactly the same in season five, not realising what she had until it was gone) but all I was thinking was serves you right. When is Donna coming along?

The Bad Stuff: Just adding some zeppelins to the skyline doesn’t make this an especially imaginative alternative universe. The TARDIS dying is treated as a throwaway scene when it should have been a devastating moment; the story is far too busy focussing on daft old Rose and her domestic problems to focus on the potentially exciting stuff. I know Davies was keen to push the domestic angle but let's not forget that this is still Doctor Who and not a daytime soap opera. A gay Mickey, a Welsh blond rinse and a CBBC presenter – that’s the resistance? Despite efforts to stick him in a wheelchair Lumic is no substitute for Davros. Roger Lloyd-Pack can't be held entirely responsible because he is simply bringing to life the overwritten part although there is something remarkably mechanical (hoho) about his performance. It might have been more chilling had he been entirely without emotion, stating every line like one of the automatons that he has become obsessed with. With no compelling villain to lead this story, it flounders terribly when it could have been chilling. Imagine how much more exciting this story would be in our universe? Why Russell T. Davies was reluctant to to re-tell the origins of the Cybermen on the Earth we know and love is beyond me and opens the can of worms of having to constantly bring the re-designed Cybermen from one universe to another (actually he finds a very clever way to achieve that in Army of Ghosts but it does cause problems for subsequent stories featuring the same design). Why they had to make this an origin story baffles me too. It could just be a story of a man who took the designs from the 1985 attack of Mondas and used them to his own ends. 'Delete delete delete...' is such an obvious attempt to give the Cybemen a Dalek-like slogan but it really doesn't work. It's not exactly the sort of word that chills you to the bone, is it? What exactly does the Doctor do on the phone that makes the Cybermen disintegrate? David Tennant talks so fast that the rushed explanation makes absolutely no sense. He may have well have just said 'I've just done something clever' and shove the phone into it's socket. London’s most wanted for parking tickets…what the hell? Why are the regular characters always gay in these alternative universe stories? Why bother to cut the ‘boyfriend’ line at the end of the episode when it is clear from Jake’s response that he and Ricky were lovers? For once the gay reference isn't superfluous. Mrs Moore is on her way to being a half decent character until she involves herself in the camp melodramatics before her death. The story spirals out of control at the climax with the exposure of the Cyber Controller, a hilariously awful nasty with big glowy eyes, an exposed brain and a squeaky voice. The Doctor sending Mickey coded messages should be really fun but it just feels contrived. The Cyber Controller goes ‘NOOOOOO!’ when he falls to his death, not only falling into villainous cliché but also a highly emotional response to the situation. The Zeppelin set piece is a brainless ending to a brainless episode and the sight of the Cyber Controller climbing a rope ladder might be the nadir for the second class bad guys. Was the last scene genuinely filmed by Westminster because it looks remarkably like a CSO backdrop? Murray Gold smothers Mickey’s departure scene in syrup. I’m usually a big fan of his music but this is too much sugar, even for me.

Result: So much lost potential. You've got an accomplished writer and director and the return of an old monster looking snazzier than ever but somewhere along the way the execution of all three doesn’t quite gel. The first episode builds up the reveal of the Cybermen with some aplomb but at the same time concerns itself with some truly excruciating soap operatics surrounding the Tyler clan whilst given the Doctor virtually nothing to do. The second episode has some terrific action sequences and visuals courtesy of a director who is pouring everything he has into the execution but he is working to a truly brainless script that threatens to foil him at every turn, especially at the climax. The whole story is weighed down by irritating flaws (Rose's selfishness, Roger Lloyd-Pack's overwritten character, the early death of the President who is the most interesting character, the retarded ending that sees the Cyber Controller climbing a rope ladder) but you can see glimpses of something much superior (Jackie's venomous outpouring to her 'daughter', the street full of frozen zombies, the terrifying Cyber conversion devices). This would work far better as a 60 minute action adventure tale in our universe, cutting out all of the alternative universe nonsense (including all the material that continues to deteriorate Rose's character) and focussing on the psychology and body horror of being converted. These things are tantalizingly touched upon briefly but as with all Cybermen tales never exploited to the full. The Cybermen return time and again because they are popular but every production team that has utilized them seems afraid to expose the true horror of the creatures in fear of upsetting their teatime audience. I’d give the first episode a 5 and the second episode a 7 so this two parter scores a disappointing: 6/10
Rose's jealousy and smugness reminds me of the worst of Charley Pollard, duh! I loved Rose in season 1, but her bitchness with Sarah Jane made me dislike the character :(
What you comment about Mickey reminds me of how were the situation with Amy and Rory: I disliked Amy and loved Rory... sigh, why can't the Doctor just take one male likeable companion and leave behind the bitchy girls...
Underwhelming Cybermen stories are kind of a tradition in Doctor Who. I never would have guessed that the most engaging part of a two-episode story featuring a parallel Earth and the return of the Cybermen woule be an exploration of Mickey as a person apart from Rose and the Doctor. I think 6 is just about right...rounding up anway.
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