This story in a nutshell: War between Earth and Draconia
lingers and the Master is the one firing the shots...
Good Grief: 'Only you could manage to have a traffic
accident in space!' There is such an easiness between the Doctor and Jo at
this stage and Pertwee has developed the Doctor into a far more genial version
of the snappy, insulting scientist that she first met a few years back. Perhaps
she has had a humanizing effect on him just as Ian and Barbara had with the
first Doctor. I love the idea that that he is off out in space once again after
his prolonged exile on Earth, there was something very exciting about this
season where the Doctor could once again go anywhere from story to story (but
never quite forgetting he has a new family back on Earth). I love his perky one
lines when it appears he is in the shit (he escapes a prison cell and walks
straight into a guard to
'oh how very embarrassing...'). Rather
brilliantly when one disgruntled security officer first claps eyes on the
Doctor he ask if they are having a fancy dress party (that guard is a great
character actually, coming across as a real person rather than just somebody to
shuttle the Doctor and Jo about). There's a very funny gag that plays out
across the first four episodes of Frontier in Space where the Doctor and Jo are
constantly mistaken for agents of a foreign power, depending on who they are
captured by. No matter how much the Doctor protests his innocence (and
Pertwee's charm offensive is on full power), his captors are convinced that he
is a traitor. When he finally does get someone to listen he practically gives
them a big kiss even if it is just a fellow prisoner on the moon. It's not just
Jon Pertwee who is an engaging storyteller, the Doctor is at it too. Although
perhaps it's best we never met the Medusoids given his description of them (a
hairy jellyfish with claws, teeth and a leg), or the delegates from the
conference come to think of it (a giant rabbit, a pink elephant and a purple
horse with yellow spots). Imagine those being concocted on a Doctor Who budget?
He's not exactly telling the truth when he says he hasn't been employed by
anyone, is he? Pertwee plays his comic explanation of how he tried to kill
himself by depressurising the area from the outside whilst he was suffocating
inside deadly straight which makes it all the funnier. He is all charm when
addressing the Emperor of Draconia, using his previous history with the planet
to form a relationship based on trust and honour. He really isn't
unrecognisable from the overbearing bully from the beginning of his tenure,
isn't he?

Hippy Chick: Two and a half seasons into her time with the
Doctor and Jo is more confident than ever. Something wonderful happened with
the advent of season ten where Jo stopped playing the hanger on and developed
and matured into a very capable young woman in her own right. When watching the
show in order I would say that Jo has more development than many other companions,
she's still ditzy and gobby but she has a sense of maturity and the feeling
that she can handle herself in her latter adventures that was often missing
when she screamed her way through season eight. She practically saunters out of
the TARDIS, chewing gum and exploring the landing site without the Doctor. This
is a Jo with swagger. Watch as she reels off a number of escape plans in
episode two, the Doctor picking holes in her logic. She's learnt from her
experiences and she is taking those lessons and applying them to what comes
next. Most companions lose impetus the longer they are in the show, having a
strong introduction but falling into a certain pattern of behaviour. Jo shows
how genuine character growth can invigorate the series. The greatest sign of
her development is demonstrated in her scenes with the Master. Back in season
eight she was susceptible to his hypnotism, terrified of his schemes and
constantly falling into one of his traps. Now she stands up to him with some
vigour, brushes off his attempts to beguile her mind and is capable of finding
her way out of the many prisons he locks her into. I don't think I have ever
loved Jo Grant more than when she is babbling on about her friends assuming
that her spy lifestyle is a glamorous one, dashing about in sports cars with
handsome agents. And she's stuck with Pertwee in Bessie. Running around, making
tea and being a general dogsbody. I like the fact that Master's plan relied on
her resourcefulness in escaping from her cell, even he can see how smart she is
these days. Not smart enough to realise she has walked into a trap anyway, but
pretty smart all the same.

You Will Obey Me: 'Nobody could be more devoted to the
cause of peace than I...' We've reached a stage in the Pertwee era where
his regular appearances have become a lot more sporadic than they were in his
first season and therefore much more of a surprise. I have smile outwardly
every time Roger Delgado appears on screen because I know that I am going to be
in for some fine acting and cutting ripostes. The mystery generating the
situation seems to vanish as soon as the Master appears...he's obviously
stirring up trouble for some crackpot scheme. Actually what Hulke is doing is
disguising who is really responsible behind a well established recurring
character, using the Master as a expert red herring. Once he had showed up I
thought all the surprises Frontier in Space had were exhausted. How wrong was
I? He's almost drunk with pleasure when he informs Jo that he is a credited
official and she and the Doctor are criminals being handed into his custody. An
exact reversal of their situation last year. As much as he gets off on that, it
is nothing compared to the pleasure of being able to reel off the list of
criminal offences that the Doctor has committed. I wonder if the Master allying
himself with the Daleks counted against him when it came to the Time War? Was
he enlisted because he had special insight into the creatures? Scenes of the
Master attempting to explain his plans to the Ogrons are comic gold, his
incensed attitude to their natural stupidity had me falling about (
'We are
on a course for Earth!' 'Well naturally that's because we're chasing them!').
Dispatching the Doctor via rocket fire at long range, somehow it lacks that
personal touch. When the Master steps in stops the Daleks from exterminating
the Doctor is it because cares about the fellow Time Lord or does he genuinely
want him to see the Earth in ruins (shades of John Simms' Master there) before
he is finally exterminated? It is such a shame that Delgado's tragic death
should rob us of a dramatic final showdown between the Master and the Doctor
and that his final appearance should be such an awkwardly directed moment
(especially since he has been at his absolute best in this story until then).
It is difficult to figure out what is going on; he shoots the Doctor and then
runs off it appears but I couldn't be entirely sure. All I know is that between
this abrupt exit and his next appearance he suffers a horrific accident that
leaves his flesh hanging from the bone. Still at least he gets to call the
'stupid tin boxes' before he goes. Raise your glass to Roger
Delgado, still the classiest and, in my mind, the best Master.
Sparkling Dialogue: 'An Emperor who does not rule deposes
'The Ogrons have got the finest defence mechanism of all -
'I was never very fond of nursery rhymes...'
The Good:
* Much like The
Space Pirates before it, the modelwork is of a very high standard through
Frontier in Space (although in my opinion not quite as good) and you only have
to watch the documentaries on the DVD to see how a lot of these models were
cobbled together in desperation and from parts of other shows. It doesn't show
and the wealth of good modelwork (still my preference over CGI I have to say)
really helps to sell the scale of this story and give a sense of journey
between the many destinations we visit. A huge round of applause to the effect
* Mac Hulke really
shows his contempories how these futuristic adventures should be written right
from the off by allowing the 26th Century characters to talk like normal, every
day people from the 20th Century. Watch the first scene, through two people
having a chat at work about the current Earth/Draconian you get some clever
world building, a healthy injection of character and a sense that these are
real people with jobs and dreams of a better life. That kind of earthy realism
is spread throughout the story to every character.
* He might have The
Time Monster on his record (although I would still say there are some
effectively realised moments throughout that story) but I think that Paul
Bernard is quite an underrated director (certainly by Barry Letts and Terrance
Dicks on the DVD commentaries). He might be using old school techniques but
that is because they work and I love his excessive reliance on zooms, pans and
fades to created a feeling of movement and time passing in the story. It means
that although the Doctor and Jo spend the majority of this six parter in an
assortment of prison cells that there is a swift stride to the tale that keeps
it moving. With relatively little money he manages to assemble a creative team
that carves out a vision of the future that really stands out, taking us to
alien planets, prisons on the moon and a corporate version of the Earth. Black
news casters (unheard of at the time) spreading propaganda, stock footage of
riots, broadcasts of politicians calling for war, reports of conflict around
the world ('In Los Angeles demonstrators burnt an effigy of you!') - so
many smart little details that help to build an impressive picture of a planet
on the verge of war. Between this and Day of the Daleks, Bernard carves himself
out as a director to watch. What a shame he would never work on the show again.
* Bernard clearly
has a decent hand on the actors since this story is packed full of terrific
performances, enhanced by Hulke's memorable dialogue. Vera Fusek (the
President) and Michael Hawkins (General Williams) have both been extremely well
cast, both actors hinting a relationship beyond what we see on screen and enjoy
both fraught and gentle moments trying to hold the volatile situation on Earth
together. It took several viewings of this to realise that Cross was played by
the same actor who delighted us with Governor Lobos in The Space Museum. This a
chance to see him having a stab a more animated role and the results are so
different. There's an unspoken relationship between Cross and the Governor of
the lunar prison as well, which rears its ugly head when he fails to kill the
* The beauty of the
set design cannot be ignored either with the designers having to live up to the
challenge of bringing to life three very different cultures. With Bernard
shooting the sets to their maximum capacity there is a real sense of space to
the story which helps with its operatic feel. I doubt there was much more money
thrown at this than your average six parter but with so many different sets in
different locations, all of them pulled off with some style, it just feels
like there is a greater budget. On Earth, the exteriors create a sense of this
story taking place at a later date, opting for a very concrete, build up
utopia, all straight lines and tall gantries (on a location that was probably
considered very futuristic at the time). Function over aesthetics. This
depressing, washed out view of the future was adopted by Blake's 7 for
practically its entire 4 year run.
* Isn't it
astonishing that the Draconians have never appeared in Doctor Who since
Frontier in Space (beyond a couple of appearances in spin off material) given
their critical success? Given JNT's love of giving the fans a hand job to the
past and the current wealth of classic series creations being re-invented in
the new series, this species is something of a glaring omission to those who
have been given another chance to shine. John Friedlander's masks are
extraordinarily good, allowing the actors facial movement (trust me this wasn't
always the case) and the chance to emote and the emerald green Samurai
aesthetic that the designers have gone for really makes the race stand out in
rich colours and stylish design. They have the look and feel of a race that
enjoys its own culture and identity and has a life away from the programme.
Most alien cultures feel as though they have been custom made for a Doctor Who
story and wouldn't have the substance to last beyond it. Not so the Draconians.

* The return of the
Ogrons is a great surprise, not least because they hint at the true masterminds
behind this operation as far back as episode one. Hulke cleverly subverts this
by mentioning the Daleks and throwing the audience off the scent. They are
something to be pointed and laughed at in Frontier in Space (usually by the
Master) although it is fair to say that they are effective muscle too. And what
an entrance, blasting onto the cargo ship, shooting the Doctor in the back and
towering over Jo (this really feels like it should have been a cliff-hanger).
The great lumbering oafs come crashing through doors (clearly they haven't been
taught how to use a handle) and massacre a ton of guards like swatting flies in
their attempt to capture the Doctor and Jo.
* The political
manoeuvres that play out between Earth and Draconia with the Master in the
middle winding them both up are exquisitely handled so that it is simple enough
for children to understand but complex enough to engage the adults too. This is
space opera on a grand scale (with monsters, alien planets, shoot outs and
space battles) but much of the political wrangling is fairly sophisticated too.
It helps that the actors are driving every nuance out of the script that they
can find. The President intends to cling onto diplomatic relations with the
Draconians as long as possible and watching how far the Master will go to test
her resolve is half the fun. Williams' history with the Draconians, firing a
shot in haste which started the first Draconian conflict, adds some depth to
his presence and opinion. He tries to make excuses for his actions when called
upon but he knows that he acted rashly. Was he trying to use this conflict as
an explanation for what happened before. He proves himself to be the better man
ultimately by apologising and agreeing to set the record straight this time around.
* When the
escape/capture routine is just on the verge of getting dull we are flung to a
spanking new location, this time a prison on the moon. It's another vivid
setting, I especially love the screens that looks out on the desolate lunar
surface. It feels like Hulke has sketched out this corner of the galaxy in
vivid detail. Thousands of political prisoners who have criticized the
government incarcerated in one place they can't cause any more trouble.. 'I
sometimes think there are more members of the peace party than back on
Earth...' Adding details of Sirius IV, 'a tin pot' colony as General
Williams calls it and how it has been granted Dominion status generates more
interest in this sector. Have we ever enjoyed a more comprehensive setting outside
of a Robert Holmes script?

* Has there ever
been a Doctor Who story where the padding as pleasurable as this? With Terrance
Dicks on hand with his quick fix solutions to any plot problem, the Doctor and
Jo could easily escape their any confinements much sooner than they do. However
Hulke and Dicks know they have to pad out six episodes half the fun of this
story is the dialogue they share when they are incarcerated. Cue outrageous
tales of peace conferences, insane escape plan ideas, the Doctor recounting his
trial by the Time Lords (and putting his own egotistical spin on it), Jo's
glorious babbling when she is trying to distract the Master whilst the Doctor
is flying about outside the prison ship (basically giving him a stiff telling
off for giving the Master such a hard time when he keeps offering him a share
of the galaxy) and Jo's very funny prison scenes with an Ogron who chomps on
her banana. These dialogue scenes are some of my favourite in the whole story,
showing off actors who are extremely comfortable with each other ('Thank you
Miss Grant, we'll let you know...').
* Yes you can see
the string that is holding Pertwee up in some scenes (although I like to think
that is some kind of tether so the astronaut cannot fly too far away from the
ship) but the sequences of the Doctor out in space clinging on the side of the
ship are very nicely realised. Shot on film, atmospherically lit and for once a
character is put in a spacesuit that looks genuinely functional rather than
sparkly and fashionable. Very nicely done and another feather in the cap for
Frontier in Space.
* Usually at the
end of a long Doctor Who story the money starts to run out but there is no sign
of that in this tale with a visit to two planets in the final two episodes. The
Draconian scenes are based around the throne room with its billowing emerald
green curtains, incense wafting in the air and an impressive sized throne for
the Emperor to sit on and lord it up to his subjects. With John Woodnutt
turning up and pouring every ounce of Shakespeare into his performance as the
Emperor, it is a refreshingly exotic setting and the one where the Master
attempts to stage his greatest coup. An attack on the palace with Ogrons
disguised as human soldiers.
* There aren't many
scenes in Doctor Who that make you goosebumps all over like the one at the end
of Frontier in Space where the Master reveals that his allies are the Daleks,
gliding dramatically to the edge of a precipice. We are used to seeing the
Daleks being given a gosh wow introduction at the end of episode one but is
this the first time since The Space Museum where they have turned up to shock
us at the end of the tale? It's a fantastic twist because it adds a whole new
dimension to the story (which was pretty complex to start with) and kick starts
a whole new story to take place after this one. It puts the whole twelve part
storyline on a pretty ambitious scale, the Daleks weakening the two strongest
powers in this corner of the galaxy by setting them at each other and then
coming at them both with 10,000 strong army of Daleks. A shame that the Doctor
put a spanner in the works with both plans because that would have been one
hell of a fight.
The Bad:
* Weirdly the
Drashigs don't work half as well in this story as they did in Carnival of
Monsters. It's a good thing that they are contained to a few seconds of
hallucinatory madness on Jo's part.
* The end of
episode five isn't so much a cliff-hanger as a pause in the action. Unless we
are supposed to be shocked that the Ogrons are attempting to rescue the Master?
* 'One dominant
life form. A large and savage reptile...' or more like an orange duvet
having a conniption fit and grunting with ecstasy. Not quite the least
convincing monster this show has ever put out but it ranks pretty high all the
same. Bernard was right to limit its exposure as much as possible.
* I complained in
my previous review about not bothering to give certain characters and plots the
ending they deserved, instead leaving their fates unresolved. The same thing
happens in Frontier in Space but it doesn't bother me anywhere near as much
because this is the first half of a twelve episode epic. Williams and the
Prince Regent head off to tell their respective societies the truth and restore
peace so they can fight the Daleks. We can only assume they made it because it
is never mentioned again. It is quite remiss of Terrance Dicks, I would have
expected him to at least have had a mention in Planet of the Daleks that the
status quo had been restored.
* As for the
direction of that final scene? Actually it is the editing which is mostly at
fault, cutting away from the action too quickly before we have figured out what
has happened. The Master simply vanishes and the Doctor is dragged into the
TARDIS by Jo in a terminal condition. It's a shame that such an lucid, well
presented story should end on a confusing hiccup like this.
Result: Hugely entertaining for a story that is essentially
the Doctor and Jo being thrown into one cell after another, Frontier in Space
is Doctor Who's finest space opera and one of the few stories where the padding
is as enjoyable as the rest of the material. The scale of this story feels huge
both in term of its setting and its production. In setting terms we get a
detailed account of Earth in the 26th Century, visit Draconia and the home
world of the Ogrons, a penal colony on the moon and several spaceships along
the way. As far as the production is concerned there are impressive sets that
have a particular aesthetic depending on which race we are visiting, stylish
modelwork that charters the journey between each location, plenty of location
work to give the planets a sense of realism, space walking scenes and some
exciting shoot outs. Holding all this together is Paul Bernard's strong
direction which keeps the whole thing skipping along with excitement. All of
this gloss would be for nought if the script didn't hold water but Hulke has
delivered a real humdinger of a plot, one involving the Master (working for
unknown allies) trying to drive humanity and the Draconians to war. His
trademark gift for dialogue really helps to make the characters come alive and
sound more like
people and not like ciphers, from the President of Earth
right down to the lowliest guard and Ogron. I wonder if the production is so
solid because Hulke created such a vivid setting, carving out this corner of
the galaxy in rich detail. They didn't want to let his ambitious vision down.
Best of all though is the Doctor and Jo and what a team they are at this stage
of the game. You'll rarely see two actors so in sync and enjoying their time
together as you do with Pertwee and Manning in season ten and it comes off the
screen in wafts. Add Delgado to the mix, oozing charisma and good humour and
you have a six part story that actually gets better in the second half where
most of them start lagging terribly. The story even has a whopper of a surprise
in store for the audience in the last episode that reveals that this is just
the first half of an even bigger epic. Planet of the Daleks might fail to live
up to the promise of Frontier in Space but this is some exceptional build up.
It is padded in places but the dialogue in those scenes
sings which
papers over the pauses. I love Frontier in Space, it is one of my favourite
Pertwee's. Space opera ahoy!: