This story in a nutshell: The Big Bang explained and the Big Crunch averted…
Fair Fellow:
You have got to give Peter Davison his due he is a very perceptive
fellow. When he decided enough was enough after his second year and that
his third would be his last it was because of the dearth of decent
material he was given in season 20. Snakedance and Enlightenment aside
he is pretty much sidelined, ignored or used as a device to channel plot
exposition through. Very rarely is he written as a character in his own
right, perpetuating stories. In Terminus the Doctor is not given any
moments of charm or humour and as a result he is an unrelentingly dull
person to be around. All he does is explain the plot (something Davison
does very well to his credit, I was never lost) and reel off
technobabble. It’s such a waste of an actor of his calibre. He has to
suffer a number of particularly inept fight scenes also, directed
without much thought under terrible time constraints. In the DVD
documentary Davison admits this was a particularly fraught production
and he didn't really enjoy it and that comes across on screen. This is
not the work of an actor in love with his part. The one moment he shined
was during Nyssa’s explanation for why she wanted to leave; his gentle
acceptance is very touching and there is a brief rekindle of that
special connection between the two characters. As Big Finish have shown,
it could have been so much more.
Narky Aussie: In
Terminus Tegan manages to be suspicious, rude, accusatory, unwelcoming,
judgmental and shout when she can’t get her own way…and that’s just in
the first scene. Turlough describes her approach to things as
sledgehammer tactics – I always said he was a perceptible sort of
fellow. Tegan is groped all over by nasty Lazar hands so I find it a
little odd that it’s Nyssa that contracts the illness. If she had to
save a friend or defend herself she might consider killing somebody. How
funny is it when she has to try and stop the ship from disengaging and
when she fails she simply screams
‘shut up!’ to the computer. A rare talent, this one. Her reaction to Nyssa’s departure is, surprisingly,
quiet and very sweet.
Alien Orphan:
I’ve always liked Nyssa because even though she wasn’t always given the
best material in the programme Sarah Sutton was by far the most
reliable and convincing of performers in the early Davison era. It's
great to see her leave in a story that plays to all of her strengths and
weaknesses. If synthesizing and enzyme is Nyssa’s idea of a good night
in I imagine she will be single for a long time. Why can't these geeky
characters be seen to kick back in their spare time and have some fun?
Nyssa is always reading books on maths and tinkering with sonic
vibrators. It’s fabulous to have Nyssa alone and afraid in a creepy
location, she really has earned this screen time. There is a sudden
close up on her face as she explores the Lazar ship which really managed
to put the wind up me. Although he doesn’t really deserve the attention
Nyssa sticks up for wimpy Olvir. It makes sense for one of the regulars
to catch the disease and what could be more horrifying than to subject
sweet innocent Nyssa to such filth and degradation? Nyssa slips out of
her skirt and parades around in her underwear - the lads punch the air
with delight and the ladies step up their women’s lib campaign in
protest (fronted by Janet Fielding, of course).
‘Are you Doctors?’ ‘Baggage handlers’
– I really like that exchange because it sums up exactly the sort of
people Nyssa is dealing with. And will be dealing with for some time.
She slaps Valguard around a bit and later tackles Olvir and jumps his
bones, it is great that when the occasion arrives Nyssa is always seen
to be able to take care of herself physically. She is a compassionate
woman and begs for the more ill victims to be cured before her. She
really comes into her own in the last episode, realising that the cure
works but it isn’t controlled and than are just trading one killer for
‘The Company isn’t interested’ ‘Are you though?’ Who
would have guessed that Nyssa would wind up as a drug peddler for a
leper colony? I know it isn't as simple as that but that is what it
essentially boils down to. Her decision to stay is sensitively handled,
she has loved her time on the TARDIS but on Terminus she has a chance to
put her skills into practice and really help people. Nyssa chokes back
tears and kisses the Doctor goodbye…it's one of the more understated
goodbyes and yet one of the more touching examples because of it. I will
miss her and I don't say that about many eighties companions.
Traitorous Ginge:
An assassin in the TARDIS posing as a companion is such an intriguing
idea it’s a shame they didn’t keep it going a bit longer. Davison and
Saward bemoan that the idea was already too protracted over 12 episodes
but with a little imagination you could easily work an anti-hero into
the TARDIS crew permanently. Imagine somebody with the moral scruples of
Avon from Blake's 7 travelling with the Doctor? Mind you the fifth
Doctor is so forgettable at this stage to put somebody that interesting
by his side would reduce his meagre status even further. Perhaps that is
why Turlough's role was reduced to nothing post-Enlightenment. He was
too interesting and taking the limelight away from a rather wishy washy
Doctor. Charm the way he uses it is to disagree agreeably. Tegan thinks
he has the manners of a pig but I can only think she is talking about
herself. I love his eye rolling sneakiness the moment anyone’s back is
turned, Mark Strickson has perfected that look. The decision to kill the
Doctor is clearly weighing heavily on Turlough’s mind. Without
realising it he almost causes the end of the universe by accident. Way
to go, Turlough.
The Good Stuff:
Continuity is littered about Adric’s room; it’s a nice, subtle way for
the audience to pick up on previous adventures if they have been loyal
to the show. The first episode feels as though it belongs in the very
first season, there are protracted character development scenes in the
TARDIS, a slow build up of tension and a cheap but thrilling location.
It could almost be The Daleks. The blackness invading the TARDIS and the
skull face appearing in Nyssa’s room is bloody scary (the music, which I
will slaughter elsewhere in this review, is extremely effective at this
point). The sound effects on the Lazar ship generate far more tension
than the direction. The shields come crashing down, the computer leaks
information, the lepers emerge and fill the corridors with disease…the
first episode is
very well done. The first cliffhanger is easily
laughed at but this story is supposed to be operatic, it isn't poor
Olvir's fault that it is confined to a cramped BBC studio. Imagine
thousands of lepers spilling into a vast, dank and decaying terminus and
then play the scene again. The CGI Terminus is beautifully realised and
it is another example of the DVD extras providing far more scope than
the original model work could manage. There is a 360 degrees view with
the sun providing a gorgeous backdrop and the ship docks with a greater
degree of detail. Gallagher injects a pleasing amount of darkness into
the script with talk of sterilisation, drug addiction, disease and
corruption. I love the idea of a lift descending into Hell. A commercial
company is running Terminus, making plenty of money and not going
through the appropriate procedures to cure any of the victims. Sounds
like a typical Eric Saward vision of the future to me, but a gripping
one. The Company sends coloured water instead of the drug that the slave
workers need to survive; you couldn’t pay anybody enough to volunteer
to work at Terminus. Bor is a delightful character and played with
childish glee (even when his face is covered with hideous radiation
burns). Eirak is one of those morally ambiguous characters that Doctor
Who slips in every now and again to keep things interesting, sitting
somewhere between ally and enemy. Terminus was once capable of time
travel, it was a ship in flight with an enormous amount of unstable
fuel, which was ejected into the void causing a chain reaction: the Big
Bang. Putting aside the production problems, that is a pretty damn solid
hard SF idea to build a Doctor Who story around. The pilot time jumped
forward and the shockwaves caught up billions of years in the future and
killed him and damaged the second engine. Whereas the first explosion
created the universe, the second would destroy it. One of the few times
the entire universe is put in jeopardy, what a shame that it couldn't
have been executed with as much skill as it was written. I really like
the uncertainty of the ending, which has no easy solutions and a lot of
work ahead of them; it makes for a realistic conclusion.
The Bad Stuff: The
Doctor shoving the chair in the door is so lame. There’s more of Roger
Limb’s tinny, tinnitus inducing music, which is such a shame because a
spookier score could really have benefited this story. Liza Goddard
turns up in a huge goldfish bowl and hideous eighties make up and the
atmosphere drains like letting air out of a balloon. Why are these
pirates dressed up like 80’s glam rockers? Bask in one of the worst
robots ever to be committed to film (Until Kamelion comes along). It is
supposed to be strong enough to drag victims to their treatment when in
reality it looks as though a good sneeze could shove it over.
– Goddard is both shockingly wooden and very funny (Simon walked in on
that line when I last watched it and fell about laughing...I remember he
was quoting this line for a good few weeks). Proof if it was needed
that three companions is too many, Tegan (yay!) and Turlough (boo!) are
shoved into some service hatches for two episodes and given nothing to
do. It's like the Nyssa in bed syndrome in Kinda all over again except
more obvious because we keep cutting back to them not getting involved
in the plot. Is Olvir the wimpiest transvestite of all time?
‘I’m supposed to be combat trained’
- you would think going around dressed like that he would have learnt
how to look after himself. Episode one spends a lot of time delaying
the exposition to ramp up the atmosphere but come the second episode the
slothenly pace really starts to harm the story. I really like the
design of the Vanir but the costumes are made out of such cheap,
clunking material that they serve to highlight the cheapness of this
production. Pity the poor pot belied, bearded Garm. He wants so
desperately to be treated as a serious performer but is mostly greeted
with gales of laughter or a good pat on the head. The Terminus sets are
so underdressed, featureless and unmemorable which might have been the
idea but the result is there is nothing to feast your eyes on but empty
blackness. And that gets boring very quickly. Crossing the line into the
forbidden zone should be a terrifying prospect but in this Poundland
funded production it turns out to be duct tape on the floor and a great
hairy dog that has escaped from a kids entertainment party. Everything
has fallen to pieces come episode three; the Doctor is fighting
ineffectually with Valguard, Bor jumps in, the Garm waddles into view…it
feels like it is being made up as it goes along. Terminus is shoehorned
into the Black Guardian trilogy but the Doctor and Turlough are
separated throughout so we are stuck with reminders at the beginning and
the end of the story and several bizarre reminders in between that have
nothing at all to do with the story. Terminus doesn’t advance
Turlough's character arc at all. The conclusion is a big grey dog
pushing a lever, its such a crushingly dull way to avert the destruction
of the universe that you have to wonder why they bothered.
What surprised me when looking at Terminus with an objective eye rather
than watching it merely for entertainment is that there is far more to
enjoy than I previously thought. The script is actually very good and
full of dark, seedy ideas and in particular first episode (even Kari and
Olvir could have worked if they had been Valkyrie style space pirates that looked as
though they might head butt you at any minute) is one of the strongest
scene setters of the era. I have always thought that Terminus deserved a
stronger director but having seen Mary Ridge's superb work over at
Blake's 7 it seems obvious that the terrible time pressure and studio
problems really dented her confidence. I would have loved to have seen
her helm another Doctor Who because if she brought anywhere near as much
drama to the series as she did in the B7 episodes Terminal and Blake we
would have been in great shape. Listen to Fiona Cumming discuss her in
the documentary and you get the impression that she was the consummate
professional director capable of delivering much more than she does here. Take into consideration the madness that was happening
behind the scenes and bask in the fact that it is as good as it is in
places, or that it was made at all. Terminus is a horror story in space
and needed far more atmosphere and a sober score to bring its
creepy ideas to life; it needed the same sort of atmosphere that
pervades David Maloney’s Planet of Evil. With clunking action scenes,
dull sets and a distinct lack of sparkle you will probably lose interest
in the later episodes which is a shame because there is some
intelligent detail and realism in the script. Minus points for wasting
Davison but plus points for letting Sarah Sutton go out on such a strong
note. Whilst I would hardly call Terminus a success, it is one of my
biggest surprises since starting this marathon (The Tenth Planet is
still my biggest, followed by Mindwarp, followed by Terminus). Worth
watching with the production nightmare in mind (see also Nightmare of
Listen to me tackle episode one in a very positive way:
pardon for the off-topic but.-. are you gonna review The Five(ish) Doctors and The Night of the Doctor?? I'm absolutely looking forward to it!
Well I watched it for entertainment, and I really wasn't very entertained. It's not the worst 5th Doctor story, but it might have the worst science of any of them. If JNT wanted to inject more science into the show, he probably should have at least read a text book.
Watching all in order. Yes enjoyed this one, it has its faults, like th blatant mistake made again of having 3 companions and not insisting the writers include them. The exclusion of Tegan and Turlough would be criminal if their scenes didn't bond them as characters. Turloughs shiftiness is very refreshing. No need to change CGI for this story, can't remember a lot about the old effects apart from part 1, no need to change it. Love the end scene with the Black Guardian. It is best taken an episode a night. Accepting the Garm, it is a decent character and a good plot twist that he was good. You would never get away with Sarah Suttons costumes today, its so unnecessary, I remember at the time it was commented that it was for her male fans. The skirt scene in part 2 but then lying on a white floor legs akimbo (nearly) in part 4 did make me laugh. She is a little hottie, as is Tegan. Andrew Burt really shouldnt do fight scenes if he can help it. The leaving scene is very sad, Davisons obvious disappointment. I like watching him talk to Valgard but seeing Nyssa and Tegan argue in the background, very clever. Real tears from Sarah who probably did not outstay her welcome. A good storyline to write her out. Bor is a good character, very well played by Peter Benson, no one dies, how strange when you consider the same about Snakedance and the slaughterfest of stories to come in the next 2 seasons especially. I did enjoy Terminus, the music is Roger Limbs last really annoying score I think, 6 out of the last 13 stories, and people said Dudley Simpson was used too much. The best of these probably being Arc of Infinity or Traken. He just seems to be a go to for an 80s in the background keyboard no expense score, one instrument, compare it to Mawdryn Undead, enough said. I prefer this to Time Flight and Four to Doomsday, next for me is Castrovalva which just pips Terminus. 4th best so far in a consistent season.
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