This story in a nutshell: Devil worshipping in deepest mummerset…
The Mighty Nose: ‘Everything that happens in life must have a scientific explanation’ is the Doctor’s creed from this point on and he often goes out of his way to prove it. It was always the case with William Hartnell’s Doctor that science was a very important foundation to his adventures whilst Troughton’s jubilant second Doctor exploited science but he was never a slave to it. More than all the others the third Doctor says it how it is and he blatantly dismisses the very foundation of Miss Hawthorne’s life and tells her the supernatural is merely science that has been misconstrued. He seems frightened by the very name of Devil’s End and I see a missing adventure featuring one of the earlier Doctors conjuring before me – the first Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan land in 17th Century Britain to discover a coven of devil worshippers in the cavern beneath the church in Devil’s End and set about breaking the curse. When you hear stories from Katy Manning and Lis Sladen about Jon Pertwee driving them to locations I always imagine the scenes in this story with the two of them losing their way, fighting over the map and defying obstacles such as trees falling on the road! He is no sort of chap! The Doctor’s deadpan reaction to being told that he must be on television because he wears a costume and a wig made me howl with laughter. Let me build you a picture. You know when you let your freezer ice up for too long and find one sad forgotten little ice pop at the bottom covered in wintry frost, that’s what the Doctor looks like after he has been attacked by the hump. Given his penchant for Venusian Akido and lullabies it does seem remiss that we never got to visit the planet on TV but given the everything but the kitchen sink relisation of Metebelies Three (or is that 'Merh-teb-eles'?) in The Green Death and the comic strip background in Planet of the Spiders perhaps it was a smart move that we never did. The award for most arrogant Time Lord goes to the Doctor with his ‘Jo the Brigadier is doing his best to cope with an almost impossible situation and since he is your superior officer you might show him a little respect.’ If I were Jo I would have cuffed him on the nose and told him he wipe the frost off his own brow next time and storm off in a right Devil's Hump. Pertwee looks fantastic riding a motorbike through the countryside with the wind whipping at his hair…if there was ever an image that summed up his Doctor it was this one. He falls off it in great Terry Walsh style too! I love scenes of him pretending to be the great wizard QueQuiQuod, it is one of my favourite scenes of the era because it shows him at his improvisational best whilst being silly, clever and witty. You have to admire his faith in humanity; risking telling them the truth about tricking them into thinking he is a wizard and on this occasion that faith is rewarded. The look on his face when he tells the Master he better watch out because he has nothing to lose knowing he is a dead man is enough to chill the blood. We needed some kind of climax to the Doctor/Master rivalry for now and the Doctor being offered what the Master most seeks (dominion of the over) is a great humbling moment for the villain.
Dippy Agent: You can absolutely imagine Jo falling for the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the occult and all that magic bit, can’t you? She always has been a bit of a dreamer and a hippy. It's amazing to see how far Jo has come in just one season though, walking a fine line between being a hysterical dormouse frightened of her own shadow (The Claws of Axos had some great grab-your-head-in-horror acting) and a spunky, resourceful friend (she pretty much gets herself out of a prison riot in The Mind of Evil) and by the seasons climax she emerges as a fun, slightly kooky companion and perfectly paired with this glittering lightbulb of a Doctor. At this stage its clear that no matter how rude Jon Pertwee’s Doctor is to her (and he has a good go at pushing her to the limit in this story) Jo will still give him moon eyes and sacrifice her life for him because she is so desperately in love with the man. Jo shows the Doctor how you should ask for help rather than his bull in a china shop approach. After she has stayed by his bedside and wept for him to wake up the Doctor graciously wakes up and insults her for failing Latin as well as science. Jo has these moments of inspiration where she stares straight at the camera and exclaims where she has to be and her ‘I must get to the cavern!’ is a hilarious example in episode four. Characters simply don't behave like that on television anymore. Fair play to her though, she does manage to save the world by irrationally attempting to commit suicide.

Chap With Wings: Doesn’t Nick Courtney looks resplendent in his dress uniform? Although the Brig clearly isn’t looking forward to whatever official function he is off to by the way Yates is ribbing him. It’s the only time we ever get to see the Brig in bed and its shame there wasn’t a pretty lady beside him (well there might have been the camera isn’t revealing that much to us). He’s got the mind of an account apparently but then the Doctor never thinks about cost when causing the mass destruction of UNIT property. He earns his immortal line in this story, but it is shame that he is kept out of the action for so long (he doesn't show up in Devil's End until episode five).

The Sarge: Aren’t the scenes between Benton and Miss Hawthorne a joy? They have their own little narrative whilst the story ploughs on around them and her description of him as a gentle knight saving a long in the tooth damsel always makes me grin. Benton gets a great fight with the verger until he is walloped by the sacred stone. Isn't it hilarious when Yates says that Benton knows where they are and will rescue them and we cut to him and Miss Hawthorne about to have a tea party! How very British! Benton grasps his gun during the QueQuiQuod sequence as though it is his very manhood and watch it fall limp as he is outsmarted by the Doctor.
White Witch: So strong a character she deserves her own section in this review, Miss Hawthorne plays the part of a female Doctor in the early part of this story by arrogantly barging in where she isn’t wanted and trying to prevent a calamity. Damaris Hayman is one of those wonderful old school character actresses that has turned up in everything and you know must have turned up in Doctor Who at some point. I’m just pleased that she was saved for a story worthy of her talents. She knocks out a BBC Three worker with her brolley (‘I’ve come here to protest and protest I shall!’), locks horns with Professor Horner (‘Death and disaster awaits you!’) and has no modesty about admitting that she is a witch (‘White, of course’). Miss Hawthorne is powerful enough to calm an elemental storm but not smart enough to ask why Mr Groom is cradling a rock the size of a baby. Olive gets a double whammy of great moments when she smacks an evil Morris dancer over the head with her crystal ball and then heads out to convince the others that they have kidnapped a Great wizard in the shape of the Doctor. She's one of those era defining character that sticks in the memory, like Carstairs & Lady Jennifer and Professor Todd.
Sparkling Dialogue: ‘I see Yates, the Doctor was frozen stiff at the Barrow and then revived by a freak heat wave, Benton was beaten up by invisible forces and the local white witch claims she’s seen the Devil’ – Only Nicholas Courtney could say that line without a hint of sarcasm!
‘I see so all we’ve got to deal with is something that is too small to see or thirty feet tall, can incinerate you or freeze you to death, turn stone images into homicidal monsters and looks like the Devil?’
‘My race destroys its failures…remember Atlantis?’
‘Chap with the wings there, five rounds rapid!’
‘Thanks to you man can now blow up the world and he probably will! He can poison the water and the very air he breathes!’

The Shallow Bit: I’ve known a few horned beasts in my time not to mention the queer goings on! When Benton exclaimed ‘Well I’ll be blowed!’ I nearly spat out my drink. I’ve always said that the seventies bred the least attractive looking men which is a little unfair because it is all about the styling rather than the looks but I have to admit that John Levene raised an eyebrow or two throughout the story in his civvies. And Azal has the ultimate hairy chest.
Result: I fell in love with The Daemons through its premise alone – an alien being posing as the Devil pushing humanity's progress forward and ready to bring its experiment to a grand conclusion. It's such a brilliant idea for a Doctor Who story that when you factor in the glorious location work, wonderful characters brought to life by British stalwarts, great lines, action, stunts, grand cliffhangers and scares you have what can definitively be called a Pertwee classic. You could watch this story for its atmosphere alone. It has become hip to knock The Daemons of late, such is the way of things that are considered popular but by any standards this is a superior action adventure tale with some real love injected into it. Christopher Barry has done a grand job of bringing the script to life and milks it for every drop of tension and excitement and the whole story moves at an incredible pace. All the regulars get a moment to shine (Yates and Benton get out of their uniforms and get a great fight scene each) and the story is headed by two charismatic performances from Jon Pertwee (with his arrogance turned up to eleven) and Roger Delgado (who is the very essence of smooth villainy). With Dicks script editing and Letts writing the backbone of the adventure it is an intelligent one and it all leads to an impressive climax with a church going up in flames and a lovable closing scene of the dance around the maypole which always leaves me feeling warm and fuzzy inside. As you can tell I really enjoy The Daemons, it is seventies Who at its most confident and it looks bloody impressive too. Turn off your critical faculties when it comes to the odd illogical moment and bask in the atmosphere of this superior adventure: 9/10
Another excellent review. Did you spot the Master misquoting Aleister Crowley with the "To do my will shall be the whole of the law"
The Horror channel on sky have been having a run of classic Who recently, and I've been both catching up on some of my favourites and also watching some I've not seen before, together in fact with my dad.
The Daemons fell into the latter category, I'd not seen it before at all despite seeing most of Pertwee's run, but I found it to be amazing, indeed it rather surprised me that second time around Inferno seemd much slower than I remember and yet the Daemons went by at a cracking pace.
I completely agree with your review, this is absolutely awsome classic Who with humour, comedy and action, though I have to say i did rather enjoy the Doctor's super fast technobabble explanation across the barrier to make the machine, ---- definitely how to do technobabble and still make it lots of fun.
I loved Miss Horthorn's "jolly hocky stick!" approach to witchcraft, (the bit where she shot the master down as he tried the old mesmer stare made me chuckle), , and I found myself quite captivated by Delgardo's devil worship, indeed I think I much prefer the master here as a black magician with his own covern of devil worshippers and his attempt to persuade others to his side with promises of power than the crime boss and thugs approach that he uses several times earlier.
What really struck me though, was just how authentic this village felt and how real it's residents were. I didn't feel like I was just run into another backdrop for a story, from the man in the pub Jo and the Doctor try to get directions from, to the meeting of the local rightwing association the Master tries to bring on side (and equally amazing that he doesn't).
I also have to say as someone who was a musician for a group of Morris dancers as a teenager, seeing the Doctor belaboured by evil morris men made me howl! particularly sinse all the tunes they were playing are authentic ones that I recognized.
My only miner cryticism is that given this is a village with an active and very vocal white witch and presumably a history of devil worship, how the residents went from "burn the witch" to fearing the great wizard struck me as a little hoky, I'd actually have preferd the witch trial be dropped and for them just to be threatening to do in the Doctor generally. Then again wizard Pertwee was so awsome with his commands to his car I can't be too upset about this one.
It's odd, I really should find the Doctor's interactions with Joe and her's with him more bothersome than I do, sinse assistant sacrifice and repeated plees of adoring, especially to someone who has just been unpleasant), really isn't nice to watch and has some worrying connotations. However, Joe is just so dam cute! and I don't mean in terms of looks, I just mean her rather lovely combination of being scatty, not exactly over endowed in the brain department, and yet being impulsive, honest, well meaning and curious along with it. It's also fairly clear that Patronizing old Pertwee has just as much affection for her.
A far cry from Clara's "The doctor is my Bff" when she's done nothing but bitch at him all season and throws a strop whenever he looks like being right.
So, the Daemons rocks!
It actually reminds me why I used to be of the "Pertwee is the best Doctor" party, ---- these days, (and especially due to Big Finish), I'm more of the "Well I have some doctor's I like more than others but all of them have their good moments" party.
Stilll this is definitely a great moment for Pertwee, and for Delgardo as well, and would probably get an 8 or a 9 from me as well.
It was the Brig who said he sometimes wished he worked in a bank, not Yates. Get your facts straight
At no point did Pertwee ever think Delgado was usurping him as the lead. It wasn't even his idea to feature the Master less. Where do you get this from or are you just inventing rubbish to fit your opinions
Actually if you listen to the commentaries by Barry Letts, Terrance Dicks and Katy Mannng, he did. I'm not in the habit of making things up.
Watching all in order. The above isn't me by the way. Great review. Best story of the season, because it is so action packed, so obviously Pertwee and Delgado's best performance. His laugh, his acting of fear at the end of episode 3, what a great cliffhanger, see Mike pull the coat hanger over. End of 4 is amazing though where the sting faces in. I have watched all 5, I was definitely not Mastered out by this point. It's a mini story arc season. Not as good as Inferno, but a real classic, great performances all round.
This is the story where the team of Benton and Yates gets to have their own subplot and The Master’s plans are ultimately dashed by the ill advised use of Jo Grant as a virgin sacrifice.
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