Tuesday 16 February 2021

Three Commentaries to Enjoy...

Attack of the Cybermen 1

Join Joe & Jason as they embark on a bank heist of a lifetime. What is lurking down in the sewers murdering people? Why are the Doctor and Peri’s clothes SO BRIGHT. And will anyone survive to tell tales of this adventure?

Attack of the Cybermen 2

Join Joe & Jason as they head to the frozen Tombs of Telos! They ponder just how complicated an Eric Saward scripted story can be, how inept the info dumps can be and how odd it is that every plot thread ends with murder.

Join Joe & Nathan as they head to Powell Estate to uncover the mystery of the missing chav. Why is Jackie Tyler the best character to ever appear in Doctor Who? Surely the fat, flatulent, childish politicians aren’t a dig at the political state of play today? And how many ways can two gay men masturbate RTDs skill as a dramatist in 45 minutes?

Join Joe & Nathan as they narrow it down, toss vinegar, duck missiles and trade barbs with Annette Badland. World War Three is imminent, and the boys are ready for the dodgy action set pieces. Good luck.

Join Joe & Mark as they dare to traverse the suspense and the mysteries of a Terry Nation part one! Where are the Daleks? Who is the most sinister villager? Are Tom and Lis the peak Doctor/companion team? And just how good is that cliffhanger?

Join Joe & Mark from @twowatchwho as they get stuck up a tree, hide in a filthy pond, and get pursued by sniffer dogs! It’s all about the cliffhanger this time, and evil Sarah’s authenticity. Are the Kraal’s effective monsters?

Join Joe & Mark as they prepare for the invasion of Earth! Is Joe going to tie Mark up to the obelisk in the fake Kraal village? Is this the most phallic rocket in Doctor Who? And how do you destroy an Android with a bread roll and water?

Join Joe & Mark as they dash to Space Control to save the day! Can you convincingly deliver technobabble through conviction alone? Who is the mysterious porn star at Space Control? How sinister is the Android Doctor? And why is Mother from The Avengers pretending to be the Brigadier?

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