Wednesday 17 March 2021

Buy Me a Coffee - Doc Oho Reviews

Doc Oho Reviews has been going for a whopping ten years now and there are over 1000 reviews covering a wide range of Doctor Who media including television, audio, book and comic strips. The entirety of Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Buffy, Star Trek (DS9, TNG, VOY) have been covered. And much much more. I have always insisted that this is free content and I am so happy to have received much feedback from people saying how much they have enjoyed the site, how it has helped them to make purchase decisions, and how it has helped them to see the shows they enjoy in different ways. 

The content is still absolutely free and available for everybody. I have taken the step to add a 'Buy me a Coffee' Tab in the header. The idea is that if you wish to show a gesture of appreciation for the blog and the content that you can click on the link and make a small donation. This is entirely voluntary and simply if you wish to do so. It would help me to continue to purchase items to review on the blog - particularly Big Finish stories, which can be expensive. It is a joint 'Buy Me a Coffee account' with my podcast 'A Hamster with a Blunt Penknife.' 

I want to repeat that there is no compulsion but also that I would be extremely grateful to anybody that might wish to show their support for Doc Oho Reviews. It has been a huge labour of love and I look forward to continuing to provide content in the future. 

Many thanks for reading, 


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