Monday, 22 March 2021

The Trial of Steven Moffat - Defence and Prosecution!

The Nimon are back and they're going to court! Join Jack and Joe as they finally return from the Nethersphere for the first instalment in the trial of Steven Moffat.

With the defence up first, it's down to Jack and the witness testimony of Rohan to make their case for six whole seasons of Doctor Who. Can they do it? Is Moffat's time travel shenanigans a strength or a weakness? And just how many quotes can Jack recite in two hours?

 The Defence

Join Jack and Joe as they untangle some of the criticisms of the Steven Moffat era. A writer panicking, or adapting? Too confusing? Too sexy? Too smug? Prosecution witness Pete Lambert takes to the stand. And a chance to have your say!

Vote in the poll on this very blog!


Anonymous said...

Extro: Hey, you know we all hate Chibnall now for making the show so boring and soulless, right?
Leave Moffat alone, please. At least he never committed the sin of underestimating the intelligence of the audience.

Anonymous said...

“we all”

Clearly you’re not a regular of Joe’s reviews. Here, we consider Chibnall’s era a breath of fresh air and something that was desperately needed after Moffat’s self-indulgent quips became more and more insufferable.

Tango said...
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Tango said...

You are the first one here to defend Chibnall, in every review there are comments that question Doc Oho's judgment. Even me and others RTD lovers in YouTube are considering leaving the series until Chibnall leaves.

Seriously? Try to see a Marvel movie, they live and breathe of quips and the RTD era is also guilty of that, especially a man who should have died of gamma radiation gives a long speech on the rules of time travel and lists films as if it was an episode of The Big Bang Theory.

Doc Oho said...

And yet you keep coming back, Mr Tango, and making me laugh like a loony with every comment. I win.

Ed said...

Chibnall buckled from the shitshow Moffat palmed off on him. JW wouldn't face such an uphill battle if Clara hadn't been the de facto 'Doctor' for an interminable number of years.

Tango said...

I'm starting to miss the old Doc Oho who wrote "The Boy That Time Forgot", the one who wasn't afraid to tease and criticize with a touch of sadism. Now you sound like a stubborn spoiled kid with that "I win."

Doc Oho said...

Whereas I ALWAYS miss you, Tango. A never ending source of amusement, that’s when I can decipher what you’re trying to say :-)

Anonymous said...

I feel like Moffat's final season shows what his previous seasons were missing. It could be rather cold before then. Other than that he certainly was not giving half ass television or Doctor Who on any level. His final season is a joy to watch (flaws and all) and there are episodes/story-lines from the other seasons I go back to occasionally.

I find Chibnall's run to be a breathe of fresh air. I thought it was merely because it was time for a change (change was good after Russell T. Davies and I loved him). But I realize it was an appreciation for him doing more character development and not ignorant how the story changes with who the Doctor Travels with and where she goes. The partitioning (?) of India and the Rosa story were great. That and the Amazon and Environmental stories were incredibly true to Doctor who all the way back to its original incarnation (Hartnell and Pertwee's runs as examples).

I'm looking forward to this podcast.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised. Stubborn people like you never understand.
The fandom will be aggressive but at least we don't live in denial seeing what used to be a great show being ruined by PC cowards.

Anonymous said...

Sadly the novel "At Childhood's End" is the only good use of the "fam" and the 13th Doctor. It's weird to read Yaz being a cop, Ryan fighting his dyspraxia and still contributing to the plot, and Graham being Graham, and finally the Doctor using her wits and intelligence rather than relying on sheer luck or being useless as an ornament to the same as in the series.

Anonymous said...

Give me Moffat anytime. In these times when everyone is afraid of offending everyone, Moffat's episodes feel more refreshing than before.

Anonymous said...

I used to read Doc Oho's reviews with interest many years ago, but he has a clear anti Moffat bias. I can accept him being a big RTD fan because the was very good, but the way he dismissed the entire Capaldi era, with the best actor this show has ever had to play the Doctor, and then praised the cringeworthy, shameful, gurning Whittaker "performances" and the bland, uninspired writing of Chibnall... just lost all credibility
The entire Chibnall era so far has been dull, boring, cringeworthy and vomit inducing, and JW hasn't yet managed to make us believe she plays the same character as her 12 predeceddors

Doc Oho said...

A tragedy to lose your readership.

Anonymous said...

people arguing about this insipid show are some dumb mother fuckers. capaldi didn't gurn and make an ass out of himself, just like his immediate predecessors? moffat respected the audiences intelligence? anybody arguing to the contrary are taken with capaldi for his talent elsewhere, not for his performance as the doctor. moffat, i don't get the appeal of at all. not a single bit of genuine wit, cleverness, etc. has ever come out of the man and it baffles me that more people don't recognize this (probably because most people that would have far better things to do than watch this show, frankly). chibnall is an absolute hack, don't get me wrong, but the show being "PC" is, in fact, the least of it's worries.

anything being run by a bunch of smug, aging fanboys who are so clearly ashamed of the old series and still think they can do it better, regardless of what direction they take it in or whoever a bunch of miserable cunts think they're attempting to pander to, is going to be shit. moffat, chibnall, davies, gattis, whoever else, not a single one of these people deserve the careers they've had. just a bunch of self-loathing, undertalented hacks turning what was once a fine (and very rarely great) old program into some faux-post modern piece of trash that constantly speaks down to it's audience and represents no actual believable qualities in it's myriad of interchangeable characters and ever-obnoxious lead, regardless of who is playing the role.

Anonymous said...

I think you should watch the "Loki" tv series, it's like Kevin Feige got disappointed in the Chibnall era and said, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry but my Doctor Who is better."

Tango said...

Thank God the Chinball era is over... and soon forgotten.
Hopefully RTD makes Doctor Who the best series again.

Anonymous said...

Oh the irony, now everybody hate RTD for ruin Doctor Who.

Tango said...

You know, growing up is admitting that the Moffat era was the best era of Doctor Who. It's just that we were too stubborn and immature to accept that RTD is chessy bad.
And now the show is dead by RTD.

Anonymous said...

Wow, how things have changed.
Now everyone hates RTD and what the series has done (Disney Who), while Moffat is acclaimed and loved after suffering years being bullied by whiny neurotics like you who put RTD on a pedestal.