Sunday 11 August 2019

Happy Who!

I was inspired by a Twitter account to step back from my 30 year old complacency about Doctor Who and create a new series of videos highlighting the positives about a number of Doctor Who stories that I have savaged in the past. It in no way invalidates my original reviews but merely provides a more upbeat counterpoint to them, perhaps looking at them in a way that I didn't when I originally took them apart. It's just quick, three minute vignettes, as low budget a production as you can imagine (just me, my phone and my sofa) but hopefully it will give you the impetus to revisit some of these stories with me and perhaps give them more of a chance than you have in the past. Of course if you loved these stories all along, it's your chance to say I told you so!

Here's a quick video explaining what all this is about in a little more detail:

And here is where I have started, with The Dominators:


Anonymous said...

Now if you only let go of your Moffat bias and appreciated the greatness of his era...

Doc Oho said...

I suggest you read my reviews of Time of Angels, The Pandorica Opens, Day of the Moon, Last Christmas, Heaven Sent, Extremis, World Enough and Time...and you’ll see what utter nonsense you speak.

Anonymous said...

How about Zagreus? I love that story very much, and I remember how sad I was that you absolutely hated it. Maybe your opinion on it has mellowed a bit since that first review? I’d like to see how you think about it now, and so I’d love you to make a video about that!

Jude H said...

Well said 👏👏