What’s it about: A thousand years after his first visit to the planet Artaris, the Sixth Doctor returns. As the city of Excelis spreads her Empire throughout the globe, death follows a mysterious Relic through the halls of the Imperial Museum. As the Doctor helps the Curator and the local authorities with this mystery, he finds himself crossing paths with a familiar face from Excelis' history - but no-one lives for a thousand years, do they?
Softer Six: After listening to Omega and Excelis Dawns which examined what made the fifth Doctor tick, Master which delved into the seventh and than Zagreus which explored aspects of 5, 6. 7 & 8 it is nice to listen to a story which is not trying to alter our perceptions of the Doctor but just tell a bloody good story with him in it. The sixth Doctor bursts from the TARDIS in this story and rushes into action and he proves to be intelligent and foolish, witty and verbose. It is an underrated virtue to just enjoy a Doctor Who story that is not trying to say something about the main man. He’s travelling alone and there is no talk of companions so this could be post Trial, pre Evelyn. Like a giddy child, he loves dinosaurs! He hates to brag (hmm) but considers himself an expert in the field of crime. He is pretty hard to forget in his get up (although most people do try) and he goes where he pleases. Typically he only reads the cartoons and does the crosswords in newspapers. He is frequently falsely accused of serious crimes and has an aptitude for confession. His age is a shade over 900. Interfering in people’s affairs has gotten him into quite a lot of trouble lately (you could put this story safely after The Wormery and before The Marian Conspiracy).

Standout Performance: I always adore Charles Kay; he is one of my favourite actors. Anthony Stewart Head sounds far more comfortable in this story, and makes much more of an impact as the silky voiced Reeve. I really couldn’t tell that the actors weren’t genuinely interacting.
Sparkling Dialogue: ‘Someone will die here someday, and when they do, even if it’s a hundred years from now, I shall be waiting…waiting…waiting…’

Musical Cues: Much, much better than Excelis Dawns, Darlington provides a wonderfully relaxing piano score to open the story that’s far more pleasing than the repetitive quest soundtrack for the last story. There are some dramatic electric guitar stings. There is a wonderfully atmospheric piece of background music in the séance scenes, a modulated church bell. Dramatic church organ music greets the thief’s death.
Result: At only 70 minutes long wand with 70 minutes worth of material this was a refreshingly natural piece of storytelling, which has a far more charming backdrop than the opening story. With Charles Kay, Colin Baker and Anthony Head on board you have a strong cast that make the most of their time and keep the plot ticking along nicely. The direction by newcomer to the Doctor Who range Ed Salt is very good indeed, gone is the flashy trickery employed by Russell and Briggs, Salt brings the actors to the fore and provides some pleasingly subtle atmospherics. I don’t really have much to say about Excelis Rising, it isn’t the strongest story I have ever heard but it really doesn’t do anything wrong and I really enjoyed listening to it. The overarching plotline still doesn’t set my world on fire but some of the elements introduced in Dawns were at least handled quite effectively here. Solid: 7/10
Artwork by Simon Hodges @ http://hisi79.deviantart.com/
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