Softer Six: Isn’t amazing how Colin Baker’s sixth Doctor manages to fall into a comfortable chemistry with his companions so quickly these days? His rapport with Evelyn is second to none, he has a gentler bond with Peri on audio bridging the gap between Revelation of the Daleks and Trial of a Time Lord and he got on with Charley like a house on fire despite the fact that she was clearly keeping secrets. In the opening episode you would swear that the Doctor and Flip had been travelling together for a couple of months rather than just three stories because the interplay between Colin Baker and Lisa Greenwood is so warm and inviting. The Doctor cannot fathom an idea that he has thought being anything other than extremely clever! Much like the fourth Doctor in Pyramids of Mars the Doctor has to be cruel to be kind and informs Iron’s parents that no matter how much the Wirrn sounds like their son he died 15 years ago. He once again becomes the lonely alien wanderer, distanced from the emotion of the injustice and dealing with the practicalities of what is going on. Its great drama for the Doctor to have to beam Iron to his death in front of his mother, constantly having to account for his actions. He never needs the TARDIS to tell him which period of human history he is in, he just needs to test how much patience the people have! He has to point out (in fairness) that the Wirrn mothers are fighting for survival just as the humans are, again he seems coldly distant and fascinating. When the Doctor tells Flip that she is going home and then tells her that is the TARDIS it gave me goosebumps. They’re just lovely together.

Standout Performance: I would say this is Lisa Greenwood’s finest hour yet and she gets to truly get her teeth into some dramatic material. The horror she experiences in this story should win even the staunchest critic over.
‘Tell me one thing before I touch your hand…’ – shitting hell! This is seriously creepy!
‘Meet my new family…’
‘Humans! Not so much indomitable but exasperating!’
Great Ideas: I hate to be churlish (no I don’t but I just thought I’d say it) but the family beaming down onto the Earth’s surface in the very first scene does something more emotive and imaginative with the Nerva setting than the entirety of Destination: Nerva. Pair bonding was mentioned in The Ark in Space and it is described here as having a rigid control over their genetic pool. Its been 40 years since they returned to Earth and the human race has lost a lot; population resources are scarce and they are having to do more with less. I love the idea of a story set in Scotland after the events of The Ark in Space around a Loch that is completely frozen – without even trying I can see an atmospheric landscape of misty ice and chittering Wirrn spawn emerging from the darkness. Advance parties were sent out when the colonists on Nerva first awoke to prepare the land for everybody else but all they did was create a mess and vanish…I got a sinking feeling as soon as I heard that. Veronica and Roger are very cleverly written as being on the verge of splitting up but they are forced to stay together through genetic bonding. It’s a really clever way of getting us close to these people and exploring the injustice of the sexual morality of this era. Can I just say that I was tucking into a Rivita with cucumber and tomato on it when the Doctor happily informed all of the diners that they are about tuck into Wirrn mucus! Thanks William Gallagher! My lunch remains untouched. Husks of people eaten through! Bleugh! The economy of the storytelling (very few speaking parts but all well defined) and the growing horror of the first episode is superbly done. Twigs reaching up out of the ice…what a creepy way to describe Wirrn legs breaking through and reaching out to the sky! You can hear them tearing free of the ice as Flip lies there unconscious…my teeth were permanently clenched! When Roger picks up 400 other lifeforms on the ice you realise the scale of the danger. Thirty years on Robert Holmes’ stomach turning concept of the gestating Wirrn breeding inside people and then eating them from the inside out still packs an incredible punch. A purring voice follows Flip wherever she goes and frightens her by telling her she has just looked at him. Its clear as soon as we learn about their dead son that Veronica and Roger are hiding something dark and I was genuinely surprised when we learnt that this was the disembodied voice that was haunting Flip. Iron drowned in the lock when left unattended and beamed into a Wirrn by his father who misunderstood the technology. Nice use of a South African accent at Nerva City, tying in with The Sontaran Experiment. Iron haunting Flip was bad enough but Veronica’s reaction to hearing her dead son talk to her is a deeply unpleasant way of reminding us of how the Wirrn eat away the body and latch onto the soul of their incubators. The subversion here is that this time it is the human corpse leeching off the Wirrn rather than the other way around but its just as unsettling. The Wirrn eat through the power lines to isolate them. Via the transmat the Iron infested Wirrn absorbs Sheer’s knowledge too airing Veronica’s dirty laundry in a very public way as father and son finally meet in a Wirrn host. What an insane, nasty idea having Roger killed by the son that wasn’t his and the man who betrayed him. The Wirrn wants to invade Nerva City and feast on its populace and via the transmat beam he can be replicated a thousand times over so that one hungry, pregnant insect can become an army. Iron is everywhere on the face of the planet, a nightmarish threat for Veronica who is menaced by a disfigured version of her son. At first I thought Toastie was something of a dead character but she used brilliantly in the last episode to remind Veronica that there is something live for. The Doctor gives the Wirrn the chance to breed elsewhere but drunk on power they feel as though they have the entire planet and its populace at their disposal.

Musical Cues: Beautifully done as ever with some genuinely creepy atmospherics as Flip is lost and alone on the ice.
Standout Scene: The Wirrn mothers went through the agony of having their own eggs planted in themselves, being eaten from within just to give their children a chance. It suddenly gives the Wirrn a very humane angle whilst still being utterly terrifying. That’s the sort of intelligence William Gallagher injects into his script.
Result: Very scary and insidious listening which is told with a skilfully economic cast and a director who is completely devoted to frightening the pants of you. Flip goes through a living hell in this episode and she does it quite alone without the comfort of the Doctor to protect her. Lisa Greenwood is phenomenal in Wirrn Isle, allowing Flip to be a victim whilst never once forgetting how brave, resourceful and feisty she is. I was doing the audio equivalent of hiding behind the sofa as she was menaced by disembodied voices, hulking Wirrn whilst trying to hold her own broken body together. Like Lisa Bowerman’s best ever direction in A Thousand Tiny Wings, director Nick Briggs knows precisely when to make noise and when to snatch it away and he uses the silences to allow the audience to fill in some nasty blanks before assaulting you with some very unpleasant sound effects. It’s a claustrophobic little thriller for the first two episodes before expanding to answer some of the loose threads hanging at the end of The Ark in Space as we get to visit Nerva City. Suddenly the Wirrn are everywhere like a pandemic of bloated insects gorged with eggs to plant into human incubators. Just like Spare Parts the inclusion of a family unit equates into fantastic drama and the secrets and tragic past of the Buchman’s gives this scare fest a real beating heart. The Wirrn are such an imaginative, menacing threat and Gallagher manages to unlock plenty of their potential whilst flaunting some imposing imagery. This arc has been three for three for old Sixie and his new companion, a truly impressive beginning for their adventures together. Let’s hope we hear more from them soon. Its three very different stories (a character drama, a post-modern mind fuck and a gripping slow burn horror story) but all three of them have been just about perfect in their own unique way. A knockout start to 2012 and I would advise that you listen to this one in the dark. You wont regret it: 8/10
I loved the story, but felt it was marred by a rare factual error. That's the good thing about Dr. Who is that when there's hand waving involved, they do it mightily and with some class, and the rest of the time the writers get the facts right.
So, I had a big problem with the "pupae". The insect life cycle is egg, larva, pupa, adult. It was done right in the 4th Dr. episode. So who got the bright idea to talk about the pupae walking around and leaving a mucous trail? The larvae do that. Pupa don't go anywhere. Tried to overlook it the first time, but it was in there again, unabashedly so, and I felt it was a serious flaw in an otherwise fine story and performance.
That's true. lol I was just afraid with the 6th Dr's flippancy (pun intended) that we were going to eventually hear, "Toasty's toast!"
Although I haven't caught up to these new releases, it is evident that you think this latest trilogy possibly the best ever produced by Big Finish. However, I do have a question-in this review, you give the release a 10/10, however, you, on your 'Complete Sixth Doctor', you give it an 8/10. Is this an accidental discrepancy, a change of mind, or is there some other reason behind this odd occurrence?
this was a tense adventure. i was doing other things while i was listening and i had to stop and start worrying about flip. i really like her she is brave and very considerate and thoughtful of the people around her. she is one tough girl. look forward to hearing more
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